It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Schadenfreude as a highlight has existed loooooong before Donald Trump was born. Stop reaching.

That was more entertaining than most NASCAR races that I have watched. Someone should make this a sport.

I loved the CKY videos and still listen to the band. Good times.

Don’t hit the brakes for a squirrel unless you’re going under 25, and never with a friend sticking out of the sunroof. Rookie.

Classic cars are exempt. A shitty 20 year old Cavalier is not.

50 MILLIamps is enough to kill you. 0.050 Amps. Very lucky indeed.

This would make me go out in the street and do smokey burnouts.

Takes one to know one, creepo!

This is terribly sad. All the assholes keep on going and Robinson is taken away like this. Another reminder to not waste our days away, and move the hell over from broken down vehicles and people on the road. Rest In Peace, Batman.

Because $kaycog. And not all of us have seen those comments.

You just did.

Drive like a dick, of course.

Not at all my friend, not at all.

Very true. They get to have their cake and eat it too. Not us.

I have no experience with it, but am %99 sure it only applies to purchases of NEW vehicles.

That video is fucking terrifying. Those POV shots from the plan on top, damn.

Thank you for sharing. I just laughed to tears while reading that. I once ruined the couch of a chick I liked because of pizza + 15 shots of vodka. 10 years later and we're still friends.

4 wheels bad.

from* But we get it, nicely done.

My Frontier is bad, but those windows on the Jalpa need a damn time lapse! Sooo frustrating.