Fishmongers' daughters

I’m watching “True Q” while reading this. Spooky!!

No, “...can learn to speak French.” Why you gotta stereotype, bro?

Yes!!! Thank you! His looks have nothing to do with his ethics. My fat ass doesn’t make me a raging bitch. It’s my internalized anger and lack of patience with dumbasses that makes me a raging bitch. My fat ass is just icing on the fucking cake.

This isn’t really in response to you, but I don’t want to reply to the people who are actually saying this shit, and your comment is tangentially related:

Her shows tend to be fantastic for the first two seasons, then she moves on and they go downhill. Except for How to Get Away with Murder, that had a sharp decline in season 2. Scandal was amazing first two seasons.

I’m sort of fascinated by Kellyanne. She plays the good little soldier well most of the time but occasionally, subtly (usually on Twitter) the facade will crack. I really hope she writes a tell all after this is over.

I can’t decide if the next line is “grab it by the pussy” or “claim it was rigged.”

Everytime this comes, I’m reminded of the question about who we should believe: the guy who says he assaults women, or the women that say he assaulted them?

I wonder if England would be willing to take over again.

Well, this nasty woman just finished filling out her absentee ballot (for a toss-up state with a competitive Senate race, natch) and is enjoying a nice glass of whisky. So enjoy it while you can, you pumpkin-faced loon.

Every time I root for Megyn Kelly I do a shot.

This is a marvellous comment and I learned something new today as well as giggled like an aforementioned schoolgirl. Bravo.

The problem is that they’ve surrendered so completely to black and white thinking that they’ve conflated “liberal” with “against us,” and disagreement with bias, for a whole series of other cognitively distorted reasons that I could spend forever delving into. They’ve spent so long fighting against any left wing

STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU, MEGYN KELLY. It’s like being 12 again and rooting for my dad in the divorce after he cheated on my mom. IT JUST FEELS WRONG BUY I CAN’T HELP IT BECAUSE MY MOM WAS TERRIBLE.

Between Gingrich, Giuliani and Christie. trump sure has done a good job breaking some top level republicans.

I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.

Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.

Right? I tell myself that he’s probably a two pump chump anyway so I’d really just have to lie back and think of England. I could handle that to get rid of my loans.

For real! I just told my boyfriend the same thing. I’m not saying that there is an amount of money that would make me sleep with Trump (there is. It’s roughly around the amount I need to pay off my student loans). We all know he can do better than 10,000 dollars and I would have laughed in his face over that amount.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t actually think we’re in an alternate reality, but I do think the Berenstein Bears thing is weird and funny, because like you I could swear that was the name when I was a kid.