Well thank you, Bo Diddley.
In Philadelphia it’s worth 50 bucks
Coyotes are not densely populated in either suburban or rural areas. They roam over wide territories measured in square miles so their waste is not concentrated in a single area. Dogs do most of their business on the same few hundred square feet of backyard, or the occasional half mile of sidewalk-adjacent lawn during…
You are so damn wrong it’s sad. If people didn’t pick it up, every yard and park would be a carpet of dog crap. Animal waste products are an important part of the environment, but only the natural environment. Even in a suburb, the amount of dogs per acre of actual grass is extremely too high. The amount of waste…
Dog poop is full of pathogens and parasites and needs to be picked up immediately in order to protect ground and surface water resources.
Please look into your tip about composting feces. I have never seen that recommended anywhere with regards to household composting; it is actually actively discouraged. If you have new science on this recommendation, though, please do share.
Absolutely do not compost dog poop. This is terrible advice that no one recommends for a reason.
Is it safe to compost dog shit? Dog shit can carry some nasty pathogens, and I don’t think most home compost piles get hot enough to kill them. I wouldn’t want to use dog shit compost on crops for eating.
We tried to give our cat a bath in college. After some initial squirming she calmed down and actually took it pretty well. We dried her off and let her go, at which point she slinked away, stopped in the doorway, conspicuously and copiously defecated on the floor, and bolted down the hallway.
I’ve been on a computer break, so I am seeing this late. As an archaeologist who has friends that work on European Paleolithic sites, this article is bullshit. While the findings are interesting way to look at these figurines, this interpretation has nothing to do with the meanings that these figurines held for the…
1,500, not 15,000. can’t edit the post now.
Instead, it’s focusing on what really matters: making sure every showerhead can deliver 2.5 gallons of water per minute.
Every single car does this automatically. It’s how defroster settings work.
Yes, the money is gone either way, but had we known when we paid for our three kids to go to college that they could have taken out loans that would be forgiven later, we would have insisted upon them doing so. Then we could have put that money toward our retirement, a nicer house, vacations, and all sorts of other…
You confirmed my suspicions too; totally triggered over a piece about Trump assets for sale. Wow. I hope you find piece and the next President is everything you hope he’ll be.
Do you realize that your seething hatred for Trump actually clouds your ability to hear other peoples opinions without labeling them like some kind of immature adolescent who can’t find the vocabulary to effectively communicate. My opinion was based on the reality of his aviation assets, or corporate transport…
I almost got suckered into the Southwestern Advantage scheme when I was in college. I naively agreed to meet with the recruiter and talked about the program. Thing is, they send you to live with a host family somewhere else in the country for the summer, and my grandfather’s health was going downhill fast and I wanted…
Don’t appreciate bubbly poo all over your floor?
Just buy a Ferguson and forget about it. It’s got a man’s flush.