
We tried to give our cat a bath in college. After some initial squirming she calmed down and actually took it pretty well. We dried her off and let her go, at which point she slinked away, stopped in the doorway, conspicuously and copiously defecated on the floor, and bolted down the hallway.

I’ve been on a computer break, so I am seeing this late. As an archaeologist who has friends that work on European Paleolithic sites, this article is bullshit. While the findings are interesting way to look at these figurines, this interpretation has nothing to do with the meanings that these figurines held for the

1,500, not 15,000.  can’t edit the post now.

Every single car does this automatically. It’s how defroster settings work.

Yes, the money is gone either way, but had we known when we paid for our three kids to go to college that they could have taken out loans that would be forgiven later, we would have insisted upon them doing so. Then we could have put that money toward our retirement, a nicer house, vacations, and all sorts of other

You confirmed my suspicions too; totally triggered over a piece about Trump assets for sale. Wow. I hope you find piece and the next President is everything you hope he’ll be.

Do you realize that your seething hatred for Trump actually clouds your ability to hear other peoples opinions without labeling them like some kind of immature adolescent who can’t find the vocabulary to effectively communicate. My opinion was based on the reality of his aviation assets, or corporate transport

I almost got suckered into the Southwestern Advantage scheme when I was in college. I naively agreed to meet with the recruiter and talked about the program. Thing is, they send you to live with a host family somewhere else in the country for the summer, and my grandfather’s health was going downhill fast and I wanted

dude, shut up

Because Acedemia is the only place besides politics where saying you were raised by 3 Hopi polyamourous lesbian goat herders or whatever will get you something other than a boss telling you "who gives a shit- get back to work"

Not in Japan it isn’t. I believe GM sells exactly 1 car in Japan. And I mean they have total sales of 1.

Fresca doesn’t taste as good with aspartame. There was something about the combination of Fresca’s industrial-citrus-concentrate flavorings and the chemical nastiness of cyclamates-then-saccharine that just worked somehow.

Imma go out on a limb and suggest that at least 90% of everybody paying more than maybe $35(?)k for ANY vehicle is mostly concerned with looking cool. I don’t see any difference at all between this truck and the guys (and gals) running around with 600+ hp in a Mustang or Challenger.

Corn cobs work in a pinch.

Let him finish!!! “Eddie Van Halen: meh favorite guitar player.”

Don’t appreciate bubbly poo all over your floor?

Just buy a Ferguson and forget about it. It’s got a man’s flush.

Dear liberals,

“I was completely blown away by the number of people who don’t pay and/or don’t file taxes. I had never even considered it to be an option. WTF people?”

Paraphrasing a text exchange I read online: