
“Sex worker”?

And the Chinese word for cat is “mao”.

“I didn’t even know there were Viking cats,” Harvard Medical School population geneticist Pontus Skoglund told Nature.

It’s the same phenomenon that allows drunks to walk away from 90 mph crashes when all 5 of their passengers can fit in buckets.

Really? Was is a recent-ish model? Because even the V6's have had 300+ hp since 2010.

thought it was just me that gets the urge to aim for those...

Asking $4k for a car with over 200K, no heater, and potentially a Pandora’s box of other unmentioned issues is downright insulting. This car is worth $2k tops as is.

*insert David Tracy joke here*

Angie Harmon is a good example. I saw her on Jay Leno once, and oh my god she was a moron.

Changing the title on all of the dvds and blurays in circulation to Mr. Smith and Ms. Jolie is gonna be a yuge pain in the ass

Can’t comprehend sarcasm huh?

I genuinely do not understand how anyone like the sound of diesel. They sound like somebody tossed a few rocks in the engine and then hung forks and spoons on the connecting rods of a gasoline motor.

You mean that noise that everyone hates except for the dumbasses going 60mph through the suburbs in gigantic trucks trying to feel cool?

No worries. Large pickups are thriving in their true habitat.

Your mom sounds like a nice lady.

He checked his twitter feed and ISIS hadn’t claimed it we’re a-ok.

My dog is going to live forever and ever and ever and ever

In who’s world is bacon about the meat?!! It’s about the fat. Fat = Flavor. Stop being silly.......I mean stoopid.

Are you sure?