Fisk the Fish

Ditto! When I go onto Facebook, I’m relieved to find no vocal trump supporters at all and usually at least a couple interesting articles supporting progressive causes. For a while there were some fussy Bernie Bros but those have settled down. Also, I’ve got an ex boyfriend who pretty regularly posts Jez articles.

I am here for your defense of starchy root vegetables as potatoes of any variety are my spirit animals.

I take offense to that as I rather enjoy yams and find them quite gentle on the stomach whereas Donald Trump is consistently nauseating and most likely toxic.

Wasting time. Have a good day!

Aw, dude, we both know what you’re really doing. But okay then.

Aren’t you?

I have never met anybody who felt comfortable proclaiming out loud that they love their bodies and don’t want to change them. I have had several charitable/passive aggressively insulting/possibly blind/niche fetish for odd body-types people tell me that my body was ‘perfect’ and not once did I ever feel there was an

This dude sounds like he’s just making up shit. Ah, yes, I generally like to profess my marriage plans to whoever is sitting near me on an airplane whenever the object of my affections is in the wizz-palace. Sounds totally normal! And then, my eyes roll so hard I injure something. One pops out, or something. Idk.

I get where you’re coming from, and you’ve got all my sympathy.

Thanks for these. That bobcat is killing me right now. I needed a palate cleanser after seeing Jr’s ghoulish mug.

People have the option to scroll past what they’re uninterested in.

I don’t think you were even close to “going on for too long.”

Thanks for sharing this introduction to Christian Scientist beliefs. I’m curious now, and will have to get me to the Googler to learn more. I’m still super into being an agnostic atheist (or maybe I worship my cat?) but I like the sound of what you say.

No, no, high end jewel thieves never plan their heists beforehand. They usually just beat up random people on the street and hope they have jewels on them. There is never any sort of research done. Duh!

I can imagine that the hotel might have also been trying to give their customers discretion, in case they don’t want a recording of who goes in and out due to affairs or the like. Regardless, their choice is not Kim’s to justify. And it’s illogical as hell to think that because the hotel chose not to point cameras at

Thanks. It needs saying, once for every single time somebody says “I knew it was a hoax!” because there’s no security camera footage. I guess we know their take on whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound...?

The sagging I’m okay with, but I really hope not to be so sticky when I get older. (And here is where I’d go #lifegoals if I were slightly younger.)

Ahahaha, you call that room messy?!

Well, it’s repulsive and uncomfortable so you’re probably right.

I feel weird about this because I rub honey on myself before showering as a skincare treatment. Raw honey is a yeast infection treatment, in fact. What the process is not, however, is sexy. It’s not sexy at allll. Lots of lint gets stuck to you. And if I bend over I get my boobs stuck to my stomach.