Yeah, that's like two decent goat bries from Whole Foods. Not the most expensive ones there, but not the cheapest.
Thank you for reporting.
Plus, the issue is at least partially the numbers of films men get exploring them as sexual beings versus the numbers for women. Part of conditioning is the repetition. Plus, men have infinite choices- if one movie doesn't tickle their fancy then they can find one more perfectly tailored to their tastes. This isn't…
Kneeling is so much more effort than standing or sitting. It’s absolutely a brilliant way to both register disapproval but also display respect, and I truly believe that the people who want to view it as disrespectful were never going to view anything, short of complete submission, as acceptable.
I’ve read so many people describing her as talentless that when I fell in love with one of her songs and looked up the artist, I was shocked. She is a mess, but she is *absolutely* talented. It’s sad seeing her dismissed so often on such unfair grounds.
I have waited tables and bartended for the last seven years and I have no idea what these people are talking about. Every place I have worked or patronized has taken the care or cash at the end, swiped it, and returned it with the slips to sign. When they are being particularly proactive, the tab with their total is…
Wow. Slam-fucking-dunk. That’s brilliant.
Yeah, I’m into it. I look tired today too! And Cannes is one of the worst offenders when it comes to recognizing the work of women, according to a piece on NPR earlier this week. I am living for the flouting of absurd standards.
Only thing that stops me from having a constant light nosebleed in the spring is the nasal spray Flonase. You have to take it for two weeks for full effectiveness but then it works for me where claritin and zyrtec did nothing.
I do not know if I could possibly love her more, but I am open to trying! I have been alternating between Janelle Monae and St Vincent on YouTube while working on art projects and gardening and the like (they are very intertwined right now) and sometimes an interview will autoplay. Normally it is a fraught endeavour…
I guess this makes me the unsexy fish.
Weird that he thinks it’s your words making him a misogynist and not his attitude.
you 100% missed my point. I don’t expect you to be the fucking man police, I am saying that the general message that society needs to give harassers is that they need to stop, and when peeps are policing women’s clothes, the message society gives to those dorkwads is that they’re fine to carry on being shitty. I’m not…
If a person is doing something just to be weird, they are also being desperate posers. So she is mining an oppressed culture because she herself lacks originality but she really wants to be ~°~°~*quirky*~°~°~
When you tell women to dress conservatively to avoid harassment you are also not telling them anything more helpful than when you tell harassers not to harass. The important message in telling men not to rape is that they are told that they are going to be hels accountable for their behavior. When you admonish the…
That may be the worst thing you’ve ever said. You? Taxing anybody’s patience by performing a valuable public service? Thank you so much, you goddamn beam of sunlight. You contribute much to the community.
Right? He really isn’t. Pretends not to see the point when somebody demonstrates his lack of logic- or is this just poor comprehension? idk, but that’s not what winning looks like.
The fact that so many women of color have been banned from Jezebel makes me really uncomfortable about posting here, period. The fact that black and brown women are silenced makes me feel like continuing to participate in this space- which I love! and I love my fellow jezzies!- is me turning a blind eye to the white…