Yes! Saw the name, did a double take, scrolled back up and read the article. JANE MARIE, YOU GLORIOUS DAME. It’s good to see your words again.
Yes! Saw the name, did a double take, scrolled back up and read the article. JANE MARIE, YOU GLORIOUS DAME. It’s good to see your words again.
You’re smart and I like you.
Toenail fungus also has unique dna. I still don’t rank it as more important than the unwitting host.
I’m sorry to hear about your bad luck. Pregnancy fucking sucks and I remember aborting bringing me back to life pretty much the next day after spending weeks vomiting nonstop. I hope yours is easy and your recovery painless (my abortion hurt less than my average pap smear and the recovery wasn’t as bad from the…
A fetus is human in the way that my appendix is human. Not by itself, not cognizant, and if it negatively impacts me in any way I’m getting that sucker out and nobody else’s feelings on the matter count for shit. However, I don’t think Clamjam is worth the time or energy talking to him about it.
This show is well done but depressing as hell and I cried my ass off.
My dad took me to work and taught me how to install more RAM in computers, back in the day. And then he introduced me around the office as the new CTO. All the men in suits played along.
Upper right hand corner, really small.
I’ve scratched that phrase into so many things. I have it hidden in a corner of a big colorful art piece. It’s engraved in my heart. Best quote ever.
I don’t know how you could move past a thing like that, honestly. If a man tries to stand between me and some fuzzy kitty loving then he chooses a verrrry dangerous position.
Once every 21 hours you get to claim a gym defender bonus of 10 gold and 500 stardust for every gym you have a pokemon in. So, it does pay to take over gyms but the best way to do it is to take a few of them that don’t change hands too often (super high traffic areas and peak hours are a waste of potions and time) and…
That foot just made it feel like there was a balloon inflating in my chest. Good god, it’s adorable. I am dead of cute.
You’re the best. Seriously.
If you’re planning on taking more gyms, don’t immediately collect your money. Collect when you’re done taking down gyms and you have the most you’re going to get, because when you collect it starts a 21 hour timer before you can collect again. Made 100 gold today by waiting to collect.
I want to help, but I play the flute. Although it is mostly metal it isn’t Metal ifyouknowwhatImean. Fuck it. Off to see if any rock bands need some flutery.
Right? Deadspin is frequently full of nice surprises and I freaking hate sports. Their commentariot, however? Aces.
I peed on the very tip top of a mountain once so women can absolutely also urinate triumphantly.
If I could, I would have no gender at all.
As a female human (also known as a woman) he’s almost right; I am sick and tired of people trying to victimize me all the time. There are lots of great dudes out there who don’t think like that at all, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a sizable population that views me like prey. What I’m sick of is having to think…
But it doesn’t matter if I’m sober, I still can’t necessarily ward off the advances of a rapist. It’s not a woman’s intoxication- although that does make them ideal targets for opportunists- it’s her lack of power, physically and politically.