Then what’s the fuck with Trumpy and his “Make America Great Again” BS? While not a billionaire, he sure as shit isn’t poor (yet?)
Then what’s the fuck with Trumpy and his “Make America Great Again” BS? While not a billionaire, he sure as shit isn’t poor (yet?)
Sage Steele lighting him the fuck up
OK, but guess what? Why do you think that there’s been so much OUTRAGE! over this? He’s black. No matter if he has a white parent and was raised by white folks, he’s black. He’s a black millionaire playing football and if he goes into the wrong neighborhood or looks like somebody who did something (and in his case,…
It wouldn’t have been too bad..if the movie didn’t suuuuuuuck AND she had to wear black, er, brownerface.
Legit scientific answer: Kaepernick himself determines what race he is.
The degree to which he is affected by racism is determined by a bunch of factors adding up, more or less, to “America,” as others point out above.
Zoe Saldana literally had to put on blackface to play the part of a woman whose cultural potency is tied up in how much her appearance deviated from the norm of what black actresses and singers who achieved success in America typically looked like. Nina Simone’s music would be powerful no matter what, but part of her…
So it seems like he’s implying Kaepernick can’t relate because he grew up with white parents.
Well, while he may not have had the experience of the “typical” black male, being a mixed race kid being raised by two white people in white-as-all-get-out Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (1.8 percent black) and Turlock, California (1.7% black and 5% mixed race), he probably had his share of “experiences” that even Rodney…
As someone who is half black, half white, with a black father, the answer is: “It depends.”
My answer was kind of negative, but it’s not JUST our awful social history. I went to high school in a place where there were a lot of white kids, a lot of Asian kids, and a fair number of mixed race kids. Years later, reading something about the experiences of Asian Americans (mixed-race and not) visiting Asia, I…
Someone else said it, but, yeah, America. Colin Kaepernick walking down the street would not elicit musings of “Oh, look a white guy” or even “Oh, look a biracial guy.” For most people, the default is he’s a black guy. So, yeah, ‘Merica.
If we’re gonna play that game, I don’t think Harrison gets to call himself black either. Not enough melanin in that skin, honky!
Dude has a point. If he lived in a suburb in Wisconsin then he’s not Black.
Didn’t Gary Sheffield say the same thing about Derek Jeter?
Yup, link below: "Jeter ain't all the way black" . Huh. Seems like you have to be the correct definition of black to actually claim black.
History, mostly. Where a drop of something else meant a non-white classification.
I think we should be more concerned about who is doing Harrison’s financial planning.
what, essentially, makes his black parent the dominant factor in determining his race?
This is the first take on Kaepergate that actually made me laugh out loud.
Nope. Fuck it, I’m going to lunch. Let me know when Drew posts the next WYTS.