
How does one go about getting a job as a “New York Socialite?”

The police sought to handcuff him, but Harry allegedly attempted to flee the scene. Unsuccessful, he resorted to the behavior common to most mature adults: kicking, flailing, and hollering, “No! No!” Perhaps Brant’s temper tantrum was inspired by fear of drug charges: the officers found narcotics concealed in his

They certainly tend to look miserable. I think it’s the lack of purpose, mainly.

Well, obviously, if he was black he would’ve deserved the death penalty right then and there because uh reasons. Yeah... reasons...

During the RNC I looked up Tiffany Trump and it turns out she is a part of this Rich Kids of Instagram clique with the Brandt brothers, Kyra Kennedy, Michael Johnson’s kid and Henri Matisse’s great, great granddaughter. All they do is go around partying, obviously doing drugs from the photos and spending their

“sweating profusely and pale in color.”

I see he managed to get through the whole ordeal bullet-free.

#1 rule of drugs: don't do sketch shit. It's boggling how many idiots get caught with stuff because they refuse wear seat belts, speed, steal from street vendors, etc.

More please

I went to high school with Peter Brant Jr. and he was one of the most vile, rude, and entitled brats I’ve ever met.

Since apparently nobody has gone there yet, I’ll put it down: same set up, skipping on cab fare, carrying narcotics, probably under influence, refusing to identify himself, running from cops, resisiting arrest by kicking and punching cops... But this time a black young man...

Cops would have called the coroner’s office on their way to the scene, to try and save time.

Probably more of a “DURR I’M HIGH AS FUCK AND I JUST GAVE THE DOORMAN’S SON I BUY DRUGS FROM ALL MUH CASH I CAN’T BRAIN GOOD” and somehow was not able to brain hard enough to remember to just use a damn credit card.

I love when it’s obvious someone has written most ( if not all ) of their own Wikipedia entry.

Yours is better. I was trying to make it not so gross...but it's gross.

Remember when he was photographed kissing making out with and groping his mother?


He has a Mac collab out now though too.

From that photo, I’m guessing that “sweating profusely and pale in color” is de rigueur for Young Master Brant.

From the Obvious Questions with Obvious Answers Desk: what if the little fucker had been black?