
There are about 4 times as many law schools as there should be in this country, and most of them aren’t exactly Harvard.

Consider also that some of the group he is suing (members of BLM and Obama) are white and/or Christian and/or Jewish. Like, what about a black Christian member of BLM. ARE THEY A PLAINTIFF OR DEFENDANT?!

But, if he’s a lawyer and representing himself (a SURE sign of an intelligent and grounded mind) maybe he could either get sanctioned under the Rules of Civil Procedure or disciplined for violating an ethical rule against frivolous/batshit crazy suits.

I concede the point for the most part. I have done some reading on how “IQ” is affected by life circumstances like stability and security at home and school, getting enough to eat, etc. I suppose I was probably viewing it from a perspective of “all things equal,” which, in real life, they never are.

You’re going to be in an incredible amount of pain and extremely tired if you make it in pretty far and decide you want the epidural. If you must have a code word, “pumpernickel” sounds like a better idea than reciting a magic phrase three times.

A high IQ and good grades are, like, decent indicators that you’re smarter than people with a low IQ and bad grades.

OH GOD so we’re having a little bit of a laugh at their expense. Can we retire the word “shaming” yet?

The top thread is a bunch of people saying “I’m so embarrassed for all the times I’ve done something like this!”

I went to college with a girl who self-published “true stories” from our college days, all of which had been rewritten to make her the hero (instead of, say, the destructive drunk). You would think it would be fun to hate-read but the writing is so fucking terrible that I can never stand more than 5-10 pages.

That sounds hilariously awful and I want to see it. But I couldn’t force myself to sit through more than 20 minutes of the first one so the chances are slim.

Okay but Marcia Clark was definitely famous b/c I dressed up as her for Halloween when I was 10.

The point is that the articles have to be marked as advertisements, per FTC regulations.

You guys know this is all happening on the internet, right?

When I worked for a law firm I would think about this ALL THE TIME. Like, couldn’t I just get into a medium-severity accident that hurt me just badly enough that I could take a week off work? Or at least miss the hearing that was scheduled that day?

Seriously my husband will argue about anything and the poor guy is almost always wrong. I routinely say things like, “Please concede before I have to google this to prove you wrong.”

Do you get offended when people send you bouquets of flowers that they didn’t arrange themselves?

They’ve been colleagues for decades which, from your comment, is probably longer than you’ve been on this earth. They’re on the same side of nearly every issue. I think they have plenty of mutual respect.

You’ve done a piss poor job defending your positions in this thread, almost certainly b/c you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I’m replying again to say I commiserate with the entire experience of finding skin care products that work for you. Try a new product, WAIT FOREVER to see if it works, hope you can return it if it doesn’t. That’s what Sephora is great for- easy returns and good customer service.

I’m sorry you’re having those issues. I went off birth control about a year and a half ago to get pregnant and my nice, smooth skin disappeared way faster than I got pregnant.