
Go to a derm if it’s something your budget can handle. Word of advice from someone who had a long road with this shit: if you are a woman, go to a woman derm. Men tend to be unaware that HORMONES EXIST and are the cause of a lot of cases of adult acne in women.

It was a joke.

I’m sad there are no videos. These guys run around in circles like little maniacs and it’s ADORABLE. Fine I’ll just spend the next 30 minutes of my work day googling videos myself.

That is such a great message. I love your mom!

I have seen some person following you around on here claiming you’re a troll who is pretending to be progressive to . . . do . . . something. I’m not sure why I’m writing this comment except to say that if you’re an undercover troll posing as a progressive, you’re obviously very dedicated and doing a wonderful job.

Um, no, instagram is for puppy and goat videos. Duh.

I recently tested positive for HPV 16 (the scary one). It wasn’t until very recently they could test this way but it is possible now.

Man I cannot believe this isn’t the top comment. Alternate title: Arrogant 20-something has life experience, learns that she was wrong.

I keep turning the AC down an extra degree at night and my husband suggested I sleep outside the covers instead. EXCUSE ME but I cannot sleep unless it’s under a foot-thick down-filled comforter, tyvm.

Ugh my husband and I fought over this forever b/c I HATE being able to see the clock at night for this reason. Now I just throw a shirt over it as I head to bed and he is too lazy to get up when he realizes it’s covered. Fuck bedroom clocks.

I live in Michigan and see a confederate flag probably once a week. I think at this point it just means “I hate black (and other non-white) people.”

No joke I asked for “hard water” once when I was around 20 weeks. When I got a blank stare I said, “WATER. BUT HARD. YOU KNOW? WITH CORNERS?”

To be fair to my manager, I was only wearing the required number of pieces of flair that day, when I should have been wearing MORE flair (b/c I wanted to not b/c they told me to).

I guess you should consider yourself lucky that this didn’t remind you of people you had encountered in your life.

YES! Never leave. I went from a law firm to in-house at a company 2 years ago (modest immediate pay cut but HUGE future pay cut) and I still think about how much better my life is every fucking day.

I don’t think anyone has attacked either of you . . . looks mostly like respectful disagreement based on their own life experiences.

Not sure if you continued reading the thread, but I agree with those who said the manager may have included those details to show how the employee was such a bad, unfortunate person, and the manager was so wonderful for giving her a job.

Someone else may have responded, but there are laws to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

Oh god I’m sorry. This reminds me of the time I didn’t make it back to the office on time b/c, during my morning off, I found out my dog had a degenerative spinal condition and I had breast cancer. My boss made me stay the afternoon and during that time sent about 10 separate emails to me about upset he was with me, I

My mom was an ER nurse for 30 years and your story sounds sadly familiar. Apparently RUNNING a hospital requires an absolute lack of empathy and self-awareness.