This is going to sound weird but: I love older people! My husband and I are often doing activities that have an older crowd and we’re always really comfortable.
This is going to sound weird but: I love older people! My husband and I are often doing activities that have an older crowd and we’re always really comfortable.
Aw :( I don’t really use it but I like “mama.” One of my friends has a 1-yr-old and I’m pregnant with my first. Whenever I’m complaining and she’s being supportive and awesome she uses “mama” like you would “girl.” (As in “you got this, girl/mama.)
I would laugh in someone’s fucking face if they suggested it to me. Which explains a lot about my relationships, I guess.
I strongly prefer a manual transmission, but when I lived in Chicago- fuck that. It is NOT fun to inch through bumper to bumper traffic, especially in my junky old car where I had to depress the clutch approximately 70 fucking feet to shift.
I love this quote, and I still make the “BZZZZ” noise when I need my husband to get out of my face.
I lived with a girl in law school who had a framed letter on her wall congratulating her for her 4.0 GPA in her philosophy program. She was a fucking idiot.
Your comment makes it seem like a STEM or professional degree actually costs more money than your “bullshit arts degree.” Is that what you meant?
The guy was kind of being a twat but this article is so twatty and the person he was responding to was also really twatty, so I’ll allow it in this case.
Obviously everyone can’t major in those but this entire article seems to assume technical degrees don’t exist.
I used to work in oilfield construction and the laborers would get paid $3,000 a week on average. A couple of times the checks were a day late and a lot of people were freaking out b/c they were literally out of money. These were dudes living for free in trailers out in a field in North Dakota, outside of a tiny town…
I was at a work lunch thing recently and a woman on our table was just quietly eating her lunch when someone commented on the fact that there was no meat on her plate. She said she was a vegetarian and tried to change the subject but HOLY SHIT people would not let it go and it turned into the this huge conversation…
Yeah. You might have already gotten a similar reply, but PETA went on record during the Michael Vick case saying the dogs were all vicious killers who should be put down. MANY of the dogs were extremely fearful and turned out to be absolute sweethearts. Thank goodness people who deeply care for animals (and who are…
There are many healthy food options beyond what you’ve listed and I can eat a LOT of food and stay under 1500 calories (not to mention netting 1500 when you factor in a workout). Sorry you’re not very educated on food options.
Or just . . . try to lose weight at a slower and more sustainable pace.
Typical abortion situation? Did you conduct a poll that the rest of us don’t know about?
My favorite part is the thin film that covers whatever kind of sauce is included. Mmmmm film.
I’m so bad at portion control that when I’m eating something really good I get SAD that I’m getting painfully full b/c it means I have to stop eating soon. So. I feel you.
I’m probably being that obnoxious person but diet /= starvation. It doesn’t necessarily even mean eating less food (by volume or weight). Just eating food that is much less calories dense.
Whatever idiot student made that page is woefully misinformed on a number of points (not to mention there’s a typo in the first fucking line). Unless you’re ready to point to the actual SCOTUS constitutional jurisprudence to prove your point, I’d call it a day.
Also: “don’t have friends who are assholes.”