Or there was a massive fucking recession several years ago and millions of Americans are living in (or nearly in) poverty?
Or there was a massive fucking recession several years ago and millions of Americans are living in (or nearly in) poverty?
Well then what’s with that guy outside the grocery store between my office and my house? If it weren’t lucrative why would he be out there ALL DAY EVERY DAY?
It might not be fun for you, but I’ve never had a problem with it at all. What type of social activities are you doing regularly that are restricted by your economic class?
Why is it different for guys? I’m a woman who had a lot of financial ups and downs from college through the late 20s (I’m early 30s now and financially happy). When I had the money, I’d happily cover my (real) friends, and vice versa.
Are you saying this person’s friends should buy materials to MAKE their own tents?
Right, but no one buys those anymore either.
UGH. Everyone was like, “It goes so fast,” and “Once you hit x weeks time will start to fly by.” Well I’m 26 weeks and time is still inching along at an extremely slow pace. Everyone is full of shit. Not to mention I have a weird baby who keeps kicking me in the butthole. People keep asking me they can feel a kick and…
Haha, yes, the whole “being prepared” part is scary. Congrats to you! If you’re SUPER impatient, my coworker informs me that if you walk down the street with one foot up on the curb and the other down in the street, you will induce labor (my coworker is an idiot, but a nice lady).
I think you should call Comcast and cancel your internet for a while. Go play outside with other humans.
I’m due in September i.e., infinity days from now. :(
Don’t be brave. Let them KNOW. Last week I screamed and nearly kicked the doctor in the face when the speculum (no idea if that’s spelled right) somehow pinched me. Internally. When she took it out there was a chunk of me stuck to the side of it.
This is my first pregnancy and I’ve been learning all the way how much you need to stand up for yourself against doctors. I’m not some anti-vaxxing maniac or anything. But I also think doctors tend to be more interested in convenience, money, and not getting sued than what is actually best for me in the long run.
Your kids sound AMAZING.
My husband is a big dude (and I’m a little lady) so I’m pretty scared too. I’m . . . comforting (?) myself with the knowledge that childbirth is tough and painful even with a little baby. How much worse could a big baby really be?
I was told at a recent happy hour that kids don’t form long term memories until 4 or 5 so anything up to that point is fair game. This was with a bunch of male lawyers, all of whom have stay-at-home wives.
Dude. Hillary gained power b/c she attached herself to a man? Do you know anything about her history? Are you 12?
If you think keeping a Republican out of the White House, and denying a Republican the opportunity to pick the next SCOTUS justice will not protect minority men AND women, I don’t know what fucking rock you live under but I suggest you crawl out of there.
Why didn’t you understand what was happening? If you’re having a hard time w/ the accents, turn on the captioning.
My husband and I really liked it and the season definitely ended with a “WTF I MUST KNOW MORE” type of vibe.
I think maybe it’s b/c women are way less likely to have bald spots.