
We are not talking personal choice here, but public policy. I don’t like weed but it’s one of the few medicines my wife can use with minimal side effects for her.

No no, this should be all tied up now I think...

They were later quoted as saying, “the only good tire is a flat tire.”

It's bullshit either way. Someone has to supply the weed to the users. Those people are fucking heroes. No one should go to jail for smoking a fucking plant that harms no one else.

That was my thought, there is no way that guy is only smoking weed!

It’s a thrill driving

Stupid, handcuffed and being shoved into a police van -just like Braveheart!

He wanted to, but all he could remember was the Alamo.

The tires were shot for being black and running away.

except yeah...he’s NOT high on weed. Well, not only weed.

He’s very relaxed for being in a police chase......I wonder why....

He’s a living anti-drug campaign.

What drugs?

Was he on his way to Oregon to join the other freedom seekers ?

This guy pretty much sums up my mental picture of every "Facebook Freedom Fighter" I see in the comment section of any news story posted online.

As vacuous as poor Mr. Davis appears, at least he was on his way to San Antonio Texas and not Burns Oregon like his freedom loving brothers.

Poor guy. Why the police gotta mess with him? He seems like a perfectly reasonable individual.

Why would you worry about people taking away your freedom when you are so eager to give it up on your own?