That statement in isolation may not be illegal but this is pretty clearly harassment that crosses the legality line. It’s the (1) cross-border and (2) internet factors that I’m guessing play into a lack of legal action against him.
That statement in isolation may not be illegal but this is pretty clearly harassment that crosses the legality line. It’s the (1) cross-border and (2) internet factors that I’m guessing play into a lack of legal action against him.
So glad someone is here to think of this poor guy’s interests.
This is by far the best answer.
You are truly blessed. #blessed #mybutthurts
Good times! Now I’m pregnant and I’ve barely been able to poop for 2 months. Being a woman is truly a beautiful thing.
This reminds me of my dad growing up. Constantly insisting that I wasn’t cold, hungry, tired, in pain, etc. Thanks for the info, dad.
Allison Janney. Love love love.
Ugh, that sucks. I took bc continuously but it took a year to stop having breakthrough bleeding. It never got heavier or anything. How shittily ironic.
Wha? I shit like once a week when I’m on my period and it’s basically like crapping out a baseball. Sometimes I think of my eyeballs will actually pop out of my face from the strain.
Yeah it’s NOT normal to have periods every month. It’s normal to have babies and breastfeed and not get your period very often. Your period is like, “Well damn girl you failed to get pregnancy this month.”
Often the placebos have iron to replace what you lose during your period but if you don’t have anemia issues there’s no reason to take them.
I took the pill continuously and didn’t have a period for several years. I went off it last year to get preggo and even though it took awhile for my periods to regulate (no big surprise there), once they did I got pregnant super fast and everything was perfectly fine.
This thread is delightful.
Okay now that you put a noise to it, I can’t stop laughing.” BLUH BLU BLUB BLUH.
I’m 10 weeks pregnant and I feel like puking most of the time but I NEVER DO. I tried making myself puke but it didn’t help. I mean, it’s not like there’s something bad in your stomach that needs to get out (except, in some people’s view, a bebe, heh). It’s just your body being a dick.
Oh my god is this The Fly? What a wonderfully disgusting movie. I need to make some chili for dinner and watch it tonight.
OH WAIT I just remembered doing the “gallon challenge” in college (where you drink a gallon of milk). It took me several minutes to finish it and I started puking after only a few. By the time I was done the milk was souring in my stomach and tasted so nasty coming up.
I guess that girlfriend of yours and I have different definitions of “gross.”
Ugh those are awful b/c all the little bits get stuck on your throat and you have to *CACK* to get them out.
I’m kind of obsessive about craft beer (and regular beer) and breweries (and bars . . . ) and I’ve never heard of it SO MY ANECDOTE CANCELS YOURS.