You are seriously just grasping at straws at this point.
You are seriously just grasping at straws at this point.
Yeah...that’s not entirely accurate. Weed and movies, absolutely, but he has actually been working on projects. Small projects, sure, but he’s okay with that. He’s living his best life. I’d say listen to Smodcast but that’s obviously not going to happen.
Whatever you say, Sour Grapes.
I dare you to say that to an artist, colourist or line artist. And most scriptwriters don’t just work on one book. But please keep up your elitism, it’s amusing.
Something about glass houses, you judgemental bitch.
“[Kevin Smith is] successful at podcasting”
THANK YOU. What a dick comment.
TL:DR Kevin Smith isn’t successful in any field and just gets high all day, and he is a man in his 40s. so yeah pretty pathetic
You should really watch Chasing Amy and then try to say that again. Or, you know, Dogma, where he cast Alanis Morrisette as God.
Why does it matter? The whole point of Rule 34 is that there’s porn of everything. He could have named her Xena Warrior Princess, Buffy Summers, Rosie the Riveter, Martha Washington, and there’d be porn about it somewhere. He could have named her Jane or Susan or Betty and she’s still grow up in world where strange…
“he hadn’t made a good film since Clinton was in office”
you’re quite pathetic yourself. Judging someone for what they find enjoyable. He should grow up right, and do the things you like to do. lol get out of here.
And is famous, and has enough money to support her in any of her endeavors.
You know, you have every right to dislike the guy, and dislike his work. Many people do. I’m not much of a fan of a lot of his stuff, enjoy some of his other stuff, don’t think much of the guy as a person. However, he does work really hard as a content creator, and has for a few decades. Even with the podcasts, think…
Hmmm, I wonder when he finds the time to serve as VP to the Wayne Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the victims of human trafficking, child prostitution, and sexual exploitation (of which he is also co-founder) in between all the pot and sucking.
And what the fuck have you done?
I don’t even like weed and I’m jealous of him.
Yeah his daughter seems totally traumatised by his raising. Look at all the drugs she’s on and jail she’s been in and domestic violence incidents she’s been involved in and grammatical mistakes in her Twitter.
For someone to think it was a good name for their daughter over 15 years ago? Rule 34 in and of itself makes clear that you can’t base your choices on the non-existent list of things people won’t wank to.
Besides the fact that graphic novels are grueling and time intensive, you really seem to think the only life worth having involves working yourself to death.