This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.
the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.
Hahaha and this is my annoyance with Bernie supporters—because NO ONE can enact their agenda with a congress who is against them—which is why the ‘08 Obama-esque hero worship that is present in some of his supporters makes me nuts.
thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”
Why wouldn’t you want that? What do you have against blessings?
Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-
Palladino’s too busy writing scenes in which Rory marries Harry Windsor and becomes the princess they always treated her like.
“I’m smad.”
brother-in-law, sister, daughter, ex-girlfriend. Cut the insufferable lot and pool all the money for Melissa instead.
Definitely one of the absolute WORST storylines....ever.
I have no expectations and only one hope, which I’m not counting on since for some crazy reason people liked the sulky, aggressive, emotionally-manipulative little jerkwad... no Jess!
What? That’s crazy! No Melissa McCarthy on Gilmore Girls? I can’t believe it. How could they even think of doing more episodes of Gilmore Girls without Melissa McCarthy? It can’t possibly be the same. This is a travesty. I don’t know who needs to call who but someone needs to iron this mess out or there are going to…
Maybe Sookie left Stars Hollow and, more importantly, Jackson, who TRICKED HER INTO GETTING PREGNANT >:( .
I went to the Gilmore Girls reunion in Austin this past June and I found it really strange that no one brought up Melissa or Sookie the entire time. Even when the actor who played her husband was asked about the future of his character he said, “I think Jackson would have a lot of kids.” - not Jackson and Sookie. They…
Bow down and beg Melissa. Today.
I wonder if someone’s people totally f’ed this up then lied their asses off to cover it up.
I wonder if her management didn’t pass on the request?