
folks who crave an IPA-infused slo-mo joyride through a dark, wet tunnel

if your keys are in the ignition you get a dui. there, i wrote the answer to this post in less than a dozen words. (in illinois and missouri)

But thats not the case. Google wants their self driving car to have no means to take control. It has no controls at all because the most dangerous part of a self driving car is actually handing control back and forth between the driver and car. So there will be no intervention possibly other than telling it where to

I really feel like hiding it behind a hyperlink did a disservice to that lawyer photo.

This is the perfect personification of a Jeep Patriot...well done Mr. Woolley!

And you pretend to be a Wisconsinite?

I’m pretty much certain the answers are no, no, no and yes.

problem solved:

My last months in the military, I was stationed at a base near my family's home, so I'd go home every weekend. How far away was it? About 4 cheap beers.

Ease up, hoss. I mean, how else would you know what an excellent lawyer photo looks like? This article is worth it just for that fabulous photo.

The guy never asks if he can drink the whole six pack: “is it illegal to drink, and finish, my numbing elixir” can refer to just a single beer. The “finish” caveat was likely added specifically to avoid the “no, because once the car wash is over you still have an open container and have to drive home” snark.

Thank you 1987 Jessie Ventura

Congratulations! You wasted even more time complaining about your wasted time. Keep on making great choices, you winner you.

Yes, this is something that deserved a couple sentences in Drew Magary’s Deadspin Funbag, not an entire blog post. Of course the answer is “yes”. You can get a DUI for sleeping in a parked car drunk, so why the fuck would anyone think you could drink in a running car in a car wash?

I drink very infrequently and would still very much like to have the freedom to get boozed up on long road trips where I’m not driving. As it is now, I have to settle for smoking a fat joint before heading off. There’s no logic to the law - if someone is already going to drink while driving, making a law against

But you have common sense...

I imagine it has to do with the whole “No officer, that isn’t my beer in the cup holder, it’s his.” situations that would undoubtedly arise.

Oh man I would argue all day that the Tunnel of Suds is not a public place.

I’m lost. Why was this article written? Obviously you have to leave the car wash at some point. With a six pack, you’d be over the legal limit.