
I despise religion as well, as it’s completely man-made bullshit, but I think if you can believe in a, for a better term, ghostly “spirit” or “soul” or whatever, then the spiritual concept of god (not in the sky daddy or Jesus sense) as some kind of spiritual force, isn’t so far fetched. So, Agnosticism, but not

I asked for nothing. I specifically stated:

As a woman, I wasn't offended by what he wrote. He was validating fears that women have.

Exactly. When I was single, I tried the “soft ignore”, where you pretend like the bar is too loud for you realize that some guy is up in your face; I tried “Sorry, I’m just out with the girls tonight! No boys allowed! Haha!”; I tried “I’m not interested!” a few times which was a disaster so I retired it. Nothing

use your voice to join them in condemning this man’s violence without involving your own ego

I understand that, I read the article. I also read the article about the woman who had her INSIDES REMOVED when her boyfriend went nuts and murdered her.

I get that not all men at all this, I know many good men. It just makes me so wary that even if she did say yes to this guy, she’d probably have no idea what a

The thing is that it isn’t dating. She didn’t go out on a date with the guy. She simply told him he wasn’t interested. That sort of thing happens all the time. Men who aren’t monsters don’t understand why we women always have our guards up, even someone like me who is married. It is because I can’t go into a bar and

They may be monsters but they they seem to love their children. I have no doubt that they’re losing sleep with the new baby.

Yeah, I’m in the mountain time zone and the tweet shows 5:27 am for me. Twitter corrects for your location.

Doesn’t she live in California? So that would be 4am.

There was once a standup comic in the ‘90s (can’t remember her name, and I'm not even positive I got the decade right) who explained what “ma’am” really means in the context of most customer service interactions: Bitch. Ever since I heard that routine, I’ve never been able to forget it and automatically make the

When I was younger I was truly offended (living in the north). Whitney is supposedly 33? It probably makes her feel old at that age. Now as an older person I see it as a sign of good manners and respect. Women and men who work for me (I’m in the South now) and are the same age call me ma’am which I take as a form of

I’m one of those people who don’t particularly like it. I don’t know why, it just felt like I got old, crossed this invisible line and became a ma’am (which to me is something you use to address an elder).

Eh ill post it again

The problem with these theories is that it treats cancer like it’s a single disease. There won’t be a single cure for cancer, anymore than there would be a single cure for hepatitis. (The only really similar thing between the various hepatitis strains is that they fuck up the liver.)

Also, the existence of patents in the pharma context means that the first defector from the cartel would still get to enjoy monopoly profits all to itself for a nontrivial period of time. Unlike many other antitrust conspiracies, the game theory on this one doesn’t add up

See, I could believe the element of “pharma acting disingenuously to motivate profits”, but what this theory forgets is that cancer is not some homogenous disease - the way we treat breast cancer is vastly different than the way we treat leukemia (just to give an example). I dont think we’re ever going to reach a time

that & cancer is a HUGE part of the healthcare economy.

I believe the cure for cancer has been discovered but the government is keeping it under wraps for population control purposes.