
Yep. My experience of the “Bernie or bust” folks are that they overwhelmingly skew male, white, and mid to mid-life crisis age. I don’t think they’re anything like a large percentage of democratic voters, though they do tend to be extremely vocal. Like the guy at a debate watch party who declared that Clinton is “The

oh god! i need to add head from ass removal services to this van...

I have a younger sibling of voting age who's apathetic and thinks abortion and contraception will never become illegal. Can you please shove her that van?

I wanna slap those people in the face. “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination there is no way I’m voting for Hillary.” Ok, so if Bernie, whose policies you like, can’t be president, you’re good with a Republican, whose policies you don’t like, instead? Makes me ragey.

I have found basically two sorts of Sanders in this camp:

don’t forget we are mostly young, and the young are apathetic. You have people who share stuff on facebook, but when it comes to actually registering, then showing up to vote, well...that’s too much work.

After living through the heart-punching awfulness of the 2000 election where a significant number of liberals decided not to vote for the Democratic candidate, I’m extremely wary about taking that support for granted.

I have fingernails and I still can’t peel an orange. Apparently, I am not viable at 1716 weeks.

Exactly. I cried both times I heard my kids’ heatbeats in utero for the first time - because it IS emotional. And these fuckers know it and are willing to manipulate the public.

In their world, that sack of cells is a homeowner that’s actively looking for a better job. It’s hobbies are reading the bible and flag football.

6 weeks in utero, 6 years out. What’s the difference really?

Artistic interpretation of my 7.5 week ultrasound.


these are literally the only arguments they have for limiting reproductive health care rights. That’s why these fights are so ridiculous, because they only have emotion on their side.

exactly right. Like for arguments sake, let’s see what happens if you induce labor at 6 weeks. still think it’s viable now?

Don’t you just love it that the anti-choice movement chooses random developmental milestones to tug at people’s heartstrings? A heartbeat at 6 weeks means very little (nothing really) in terms of viability or the elusive beginning of life. GTFO with this sappy shit.

See, someone who has actually driven in winter. Exactly, that left lane is typically pretty risky.

You go ahead and try that. You will not drive my car to try that, but go ahead in yours.

Road design has nothing to do with it once the precipitation starts. Our dirt roads right now are glare ice. It's hard to even walk on them. I welcome you to come drive on them and try to do even 20 mph under the 55 mph speed limit with your snow tires, just a straight road. Also, we have plenty of back roads where

He's driven on some snow like five times and thinks he knows everything. Never on ice though, or even slicked-over intersections, or as you point out slush, which can be quite unpredictable. Never once has the banked factor been part of my speed decision in winter roads. Clear roads, yep, but never once on winter