Or the “please! you’re a famous star! People are STARVING!” like they ever cared about starving people in their lives.
Or the “please! you’re a famous star! People are STARVING!” like they ever cared about starving people in their lives.
SCREW THEM ALL. I frequently get paid less than men in my position and when I bring it up, I’m told that their work is more “valuable.” Never mind that mine is what’s requested again and again, especially in emergencies. Hollywood needs a ritual burning to cleanse it of the pea-brained white male execs that run it.
That’s funny. Cuz, yeah, she’d kick is ass. From the side, not the back. Fucking fox assholes.
Someone please explain to Ms Anderson that she’s a woman.
Fucking hope he did.
Fox Execs...= white men. See, it’s white men pulling this shit. I’m glad she got her cash.. and I wonder if David stood up for her?
exactly, he needs to pay for that much more food and bigger clothes!
They even required Dana Scully to walk a step or two behind Fox Mulder so that the pair were never side-by-side on screen, which is baffling considering the strength and intelligence of Scully’s character.
I mean, he is 7 inches taller than her.
but he’s a he, so obviously the bigger star.
Oh for Foxs sake.
...but why male models?
According to the ole’ IMDb, Gillian Anderson’s work has grossed more than Duchovny in their career spans, and she’s ranked 90 on their “Starmeter” while he is 417. I’d say which is more famous is debatable.
A worldwide government conspiracy using bees and clones to transform Earth into something more hospitable for our future alien masters who send black oil-secreting mercenaries to do their dirty work: still more plausible than equitable pay in Hollywood.
Just from a basic quality of work standpoint she should be paid vastly more! Ugh.
And look at their careers since X-Files. She has repeatedly done amazing work. Him? It may be good, but I wouldn’t put it near the quality of hers.
This is absurd. Scully became such a focal point (partly because of circumstance with DD leaving) and Gillian’s an accomplished actress in her own right.
SERIOUSLY?! They’re partners on the show, for chrissakes. I’d argue that she was even more the face of the show than he was.