
I almost never type shit into my phone. I use Siri for everything. I live in Michigan and I’m not taking off my fucking mittens just to text or call someone!

I’m a lawyer for a huge corporation and I’d just like to say: lolololol good luck.

Agree with Airchompers. People should also be shot when they’re a passenger in someone’s ride and they touch the radio. Never touch the radio in someone else’s ride.

Honestly, neither of them look like humans to me. Their skin is so taut and shiny. It’s bothersome.

It’s just that the whole post is pretentious.

That’s great! I hope that helps with depression. Exercise is a huge help for me in that area.

What is with people not getting a joke and then DOUBLING DOWN when called on their mistake to insist the joke wasn’t funny? It was a funny joke. I laughed and so did at least a couple hundred other schmucks.


Oh god I tried that once. At the time I was doing several half marathons a year, and usually one marathon. I. Fucking. Hated it. I quit in early February. Something about having to do it everyday. It was soul-sucking for me.

Holy shit you sound like an unpleasant person.

I thought it was funny. I also don’t think you should say “nobody cares” unless you’ve asked literally everyone. Which I know you haven’t, b/c you didn’t ask me.

Man this article brought out some crazy ass commenters.

I have a tailor’s bunion and I can’t wear half the shoes in my closet anymore. I’m 31. :(

I would never wear an open toe to an interview but I’m an attorney and I live in the midwest so I have to look extremely boring in most professional settings. I think those are super cute though.

My problem is that I’m constantly scuffing the shit out of my shoes. I buy decent mid-priced leather pumps but I swear the first time I put them on I fall down a set of concrete steps and tear them up. Black shoe polish is my friend but it only goes so far.

Yeah I definitely feel that way about Warren and Sanders. But they’re honestly the only two candidates I feel have any integrity. And then I think “integrity” is just their schtick b/c there’s no way someone gets to the senate with integrity. Sigh.

But nearly all male politicians on the national stage are disingenuous as well. I don’t see the level of hate toward them that I do toward Hillary. It’s nearly impossible to make it into national politics by just being open and honest and following your heart or whatever.

Oh get out of here with your “this generation” bullshit.

Unless you have a debilitating phobia. In which case you don’t just get over it.

That sucks. I’m not that bad but I have to take a thyroid pill every day and the thing is this tiny, dry little tablet that at least half the time gets stuck on the roof of my mouth or in my throat and makes me gag. Super cool stuff.