If only she or her doctors had thought of that . . . you’re a genius.
If only she or her doctors had thought of that . . . you’re a genius.
I get anxious when I saw ocean scenes on tv. And I have physical symptoms like sweating and increased heartrate if I go to a fucking aquarium. Ridiculous.
Good luck! I’ve thought about chickens or ducks for eggs. But I like to travel and farm animals kind of put a damper on that.
Oh fuck off.
Good lord I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down for this! WILDCARD BITCHES!
My mom doesn’t have nails on either big toe, apparently b/c she stubbed/smashed them so many times in her life, they eventually fell off and didn’t grow back.
I finally caved and moved to the country (my husband is a country boy, I’m a townie). I LOVE IT! I grew vegetables. It’s quiet. No annoying neighbors. I can walk outside naked. I do get down about the fact that I have to drive to get anywhere, but the trade off has been worth it for me.
To impress your neighbors . . . whom you hate.
Yeah. You could. Especially if you read some articles from 50 years ago saying how, because our productivity would improve so drastically b/c of computing, we would be able to work 5-6 hour work days in the future.
We did make a better arguement and you’ve apparently missed. A huge part of the problem is that non-white actors (and directors, etc.) are not given fair opportunities to land the roles that would lead to Oscars.
Goddamn can we not parse the ever loving fuck out of every well-intentioned, 95% good comment? I’m a lawyer and this shit is getting annoying even to me.
You say this but Stig’s comment was met by some people telling him to be quiet and that what he is saying is wrong. We need to acknowledge that we might be part of what stops men from speaking up.
Sure. I’m sure no religious people think the exact same thing about their “religious experiences.”
Exactly. It is really scary to me to think that we are just churning out a new generation of people who are taught to actively reject critical, evidence-based thinking.
I’ll concede that but I would think that anyone who attains a certain level of wealth and is not a part of the governing class chooses not to be a part of it. Penniless me cannot just decide to be part of that class, while a billionaire could.
My sister went to a christian high school for a year. The students and teacher discussed the earth being ~6000 years old. When my sister brought up the issue of fossils and carbon dating, the teacher told her that god put fossils on the earth to give humans stuff to do.
I’m not sure you can separate the extremely wealthy from the governing. Do you think the Koch Brothers are not a part of the governing class, simply b/c they aren’t actual politicians?
why, b/c you’ll be so upset about what a bad movie it is?
What does the law of conservation of energy have to do with ghosts?
Saying that you believe in ghosts b/c you have no other explanation for a certain observation is a hell of a lot like saying you believe in god b/c you have no other explanation for a certain observation.