If that were true I would’ve been dead YEARS ago b/c I refuse to get that sticky shit all over my fingers. I got married for a reason: so I had someone to peel my oranges every day.
If that were true I would’ve been dead YEARS ago b/c I refuse to get that sticky shit all over my fingers. I got married for a reason: so I had someone to peel my oranges every day.
I haven’t seen this episode. But even this pic makes me love that family 10x more than I already did!
Dude, don’t shit on people for trying just b/c they aren’t perfect in every aspect of their life.
It’s funny how many animals that we think of as just livestock/food are actually a lot like our pets! I had to cut commercially produced chicken after my friend started raising a few. They run up to her when she gets home from work and she HUGS them! They are just like little feathered puppies.
Lambs are more likely to be raised humanely than pigs, chickens, cows, etc., if that makes you feel better!
I have felt the same way about myself for a long time. It’s taken several years (god I’m lazy) but I finally made it to a point where I eat meat only a couple times a week, and it’s ~90% either stuff my husband has hunted, or from a local farm where I know that the animals are treated well. I know that’s not possible…
I think you should take a break from the internet. Maybe until Monday.
Go to the grocery store and stock up on rotisserie chickens?
I’m still trying to figure out how you got rear ended and your glasses flew into the back seat. Did your car roll? Spin around super fast and the glasses were just bouncing off the walls and finally landed in the back?
I read the entire thread. Sorry to “butt into” your super private conversation on a comments thread on the internet. Your second point is baffling given this is an article about driving in snow and ice. Overall, you sound like an angry teenager. Have a great day!
I don’t think anyone needs you to explain the concept of a banked road to them. But if it’s icy (or sometimes slushy), I don’t give a fuck if the road is banked like a Nascar track. I can’t believe this even needs repeating, but it’s not always safe to go the speed limit. You sound like you drive like an asshole.
I live in Michigan, along the coast of Lake Michigan, where we get a fuckton of snow every winter. And every winter, many of the residents of this great state acted shocked and dismayed when it snows. People are idiots pretty much everywhere, I guess.
Yeah this post made D.C. seem like a GREAT place to live.
Yeah I did not feel like his explanation would hit a nerve with people who don’t believe privilege exists. It took awhile for me (hey, I grew up in the rural midwest before the internet was a thing) but I finally had a classmate explain to me that pretty much every experience he has in life outside of the privacy of…
This is really sad. I went to college in the Upper Peninsula and there were always “funny” (at the time) stories of people falling asleep in snow drifts on their way home from the bars. Looking back, it’s crazy no one ever died in this way.
Well for dads, yeah. Lots of things that are dad-normal are not regular-people-normal.
This is why I never nap after 5pm! I will go to sleep on a Tuesday evening and wake up convinced it’s Monday morning. So disturbing.
This is totally like running into pay for your gas for 90 seconds.
You should have asked her about Trump’s business acumen. His bankruptcies. The fact that he started out rich. Those little factoids.