
One shitty,hateful, but true statement followed by one completely fucking bonkers statement. Yes, I think you summed her up well.

This should have been the headline.

Yeah but only b/c he doesn’t KNOW any. Once the primaries are over and he has to win the general, er, I mean, once he meets some Muslims, I am sure he will come around to a more reasonable position.

I agree with you in part but there’s hate for a LOT more than just gay people in there.

Small towns don’t have parks? That is such an odd statement. I grew up in a town of about 2000 and it has 4 parks that I can think of off the top of my head.

Yeah there’s a dude on here saying no “regular guy” would do what the father did in this situation. A “regular guy” would apparently fight 4 guys with a gun, resulting in his almost certain death. Apparently “regular guy” = Jackie Chan character?

The fact that you’re saying “Obama phone” about a program that started with landlines in 1996, and was expanded to mobile phones (coincidentally) around the same time Obama took office, tells me you’re a real smart guy.

Holes in the case? It’s a breaking news story. Fuck off with your Glenn Beck “I’m just asking questions” bullshit.

I tend to laugh in panic situations. Super weird and YES it has gotten me into trouble multiple times. I never judge someone’s behavior in extreme situations.

Someone mentioned HIIT so I wanted to point out that there are tons of of HIIT workouts online: youtube and even instagram. I follow an insta account that shows one new move a day, so I’m always seeing new things I can try at home or in the gym.

As long as he doesn’t believe in ANY exceptions to a total ban on abortions!

I would say I want to see a video, but I once saw a video of a “sovereign citizen” who deliberately broke traffic laws so cops would pull her over, refused to give a license or any information, then screamed “RAPE!” every time they touched her. It was . . . not something I think I can sit through again.

I’m trying to picture one of them at line at the airport, handing the TSA agent their “passport,” which is written in crayon and features a cartoon rendering of their face.

It’s bizarre. When I worked at a law firm I was surrounded by people who were extremely good at their jobs, and awful people. Not a difficult concept in that context or this one.

I didn’t think anything could make me laugh after reading that article.

Ugh, the mom’s text message. It made my stomach drop reading it.

This is some expert level projection.

Good lord.

ooooo the jazz guy. play me. mmmmm. I think I became a woman watching that episode.

I don’t know ANY women who DON’T want that!