You’re being a jerk.
You’re being a jerk.
I think that’s a common courtesy to indicate that the customer is not in a huge rush.
If you bartended at a brewery your biggest annoyance would DEFINITELY be people ordering flights when it’s busy. I won’t order a flight if (1) I’ve been there before OR (2) there are more than like 3 people at the bar. It’s annoying even as a customer waiting for the poor sap bartender to fill up 100 tiny glasses and…
Maybe your anger stems from the fact that you apparently work at a bar with mythical menu items?
I guess. I’m still fixated on the fact that she’s a piece of shit for causing a baby to be made and born and is now like, “Meh, it’s not really mine so it can starve for all I care.”
Your progesterone levels are higher the first half of your cycle (period weekish and weekish after it ends) and your estrogen levels are higher the second half of your second (the next two-ish weeks until your period starts again). The hormones affect how your body processes alcohol into what’s basically vinegar,…
Your comment has lifted a cloud of shame off of me.
I’m in a shitty mood and snarky comments like yours are really doing it for me. Carry on.
No it’s just that when you said “the vagueness of the law is precisely the problem” I thought you meant you had a problem with the vagueness of the law . . .
Cool post. Again, I have never argued with anything you said. Have a good thanksgiving.
Yeah it didn’t bother me in a “this is creepy” way so much as a “wtf why is your baby naked inside a slimy pumpkin outside in November in Michigan” way.
Well I think all 50 states use roughly the rule that Country Mac described so you’ve got a lot of people to convince otherwise.
That is the least important part of this story.
Well I’d advise you not to enter into any contracts w/ surrogates if you think you might change your mind.
Holy shit no.
It’s kind of cute (but sad) in a way.
You’re being a voice of reason. Something of a white whale in a comment thread . . .
Someone I’m not-really-friends-but-facebook-friends with recently posted a picture where she just stuck her naked baby in a carved out pumpkin. I defriended.
Okay soooo tell me how you think the laws should be worded. They are vague for a reason, son.
No, but that wasn’t my point. I felt that the op was saying that all instances of naked pics = porn and I disagreed with that.