
I lost focus mid- last week. I will not regain it until mid-January.

But you’re not disseminating child porn unless it’s porn. Which it’s not if its not lewd or lascivious (I don’t get to type that word enough). I agree the laws on the issue are EXTREMELY vague but a naked pic of a kid is not de facto porn (I don’t get to type that phrase enough).

What kind of labs are you working in?!

I’ve done a couple of pro bono divorce cases and it mostly consisted of both sides presenting each others’ texts and facebook profiles. For like 8 seconds I was all, “I’m not going to stoop to that level,” and then I was like, “He liked a post with a woman in a bikini! HE’S A WOMANIZER WHO CAN’T BE TRUSTED WITH THE

YEAH! If they didn’t want to be recorded naked, why were they taking their clothes off in the first place? And have you seen those skimpy swimsuits they run (okay, swim) around in? They were ASKING for it.

Don’t listen to these people! Long hair on a man (even a gorgeous one) is gross and Thor is a terrible movie.

Hey man. Some of us take the extremely simple precaution of putting seat covers/pet hammocks on our back seats when our pets are in the car.

UGH. I was in Maine with my in-laws this summer, enjoying a delicious breakfast, when the Acro-cats van pulled up and parked in the street right outside the restaurant! I was mesmerized! Fascinated! No one would go see it with me . . .

Don’t worry. The fact that so many voters LOVE him means we are doomed whether he’s trolling or not.

If you’re not 6 figures you’re not astronomical. Congrats!

The weird part to me was that she didn’t mention insurance. I would think that was a big, fat bill for a daycare.

Yeah but the “ruining” it part of the article meant that people were driving it shitty or modifying it to be shitty. Not driving it for 40 years like a normal person . . .

First of all I don’t think this guy, who can’t really move or speak on his own (or at all) has bros. Second, the focus here isn’t on who he is having sex with, but that he is being raped. If his imaginary bros paid a prostitute to have sex with him she would be raping him, because he could not consent to that sex.

I did read the article. Professor Stubblefield doesn’t seem like a very reliable witness.

It’s 100% not my field of study so all I can really do is trust the experts. I don’t think doctors are infallible but the only evidence to the contrary of the medical experts’ analysis is the man’s “communications” that appear to be partially or completely controlled by a woman who obviously has a strong incentive to

“Um, duh?” is pretty much the only reasonable response to this article.

I understand the question, but think it’s more accurate to say that this man is mentally incapable of consenting to sex, or likely even understanding what sex is. He has the mental capacity of a toddler. Do you think a toddler should be “barred” from having sex? Because I do.

The people. Oh GOD the people. I stopped going to the movies b/c I got so tense anticipating telling people to shut the fuck up or put their fucking phones away.

“New York state clinicians believe that D.J. has the mental capacity of a toddler.”

Ugh my dog has had some messed up problems with his genitals that led to even more messed up google results.