Dude it’s libel. Pretty cut and dry.
Dude it’s libel. Pretty cut and dry.
I think “your ways” are probably just sitting on your computer constantly refreshing Jezebel, tbh.
Oh my god that is a really good one though.
Um, you have representation though. In the house and senate and white house and in your state and local governments . . .
Yes, exactly. And they have a “right to believe” whatever they want which APPARENTLY means they have a right to ignore actual evidence in favor of their batshit positions without ever being challenged on those positions. UGH.
I have this former college friend who has gone faaaarrr to the right and every time I posted a snopes link debunked whatever batshit crazy stuff she has posted on facebook she responds that it “doesn’t matter” that this particular story is untrue because the “principle” is still true.
pst: football happens every year
I’m a rat and a cancer. Awesome.
Her entire act is to act stupid to pander to her base. The Daily Show did a segment years ago about how she is highly educated and trained in classical violin. And yet constantly pretends she doesn’t understand big words or concepts.
Yeah but I’m in-house so I’m free. Back in the day though . . . probably would’ve run ya $50.
Lawyers make somewhere between $28K and several million a year. Does that help?
Are you calling Ph Dad a troll? B/c his post was great and even if it wasn’t great it definitely wasn’t trolly.
The denim. The shearling. The rebellious attitude. *fans self* *faints anyway*
Maybe they got the idea from that fashion show where Lorelai and Emily wore matching red and black suits and posed ADORABLY at the end of the runway. Easily the most hilarious moment of that entire season for me.
Oooo that’s a good one and they’re both really easy!
This is a golden observation. And almost certainly true.