fishcopernicus v3

Valentine’s Day, much like Halloween, only matters for the day after discounts. Also buy wrapping paper in January and store it with the decorations.

But how DO you know??

I didn’t say don’t give them anything! I’m just trying to get you more chocolate for your money!

Not anymore!

Also most experienced, knowledgeable, and non-hackish people in this space are just as antagonistic towards fad diets as the anti-diet culture crowd. As they give actually effective technics a bad name when they’re lumped in together. I have dropped a lot of body fat in a relatively short amount of time just following

Dang it, wanted to add but my edit window closed. Your goals are great actually. As they’re super specific and they’re actually goals. Specific goals are great as they’re more llikely to be followed through on. So never compare to the person standing next to you only compare to yourself yesterday.

I agree with that “Do this , lose weight” is just disordered eating in another form. My approach is to make sure most meals across my week have at least an equal amount of vegetables to starch and meat combined, most of my meats are lean meat, and that higher calorie treats are limited to once a day, and preferably

This is timely. There’s a lot of diet talk where I work. My co-workers are either talking about some diet or wanting to diet or how much they’ve gained our lose over the month, year(s) and it all seems so awkward to me. When I was younger I used to lurk on pro-ana livejournals and read about the trial, tribulations,

Here in the USA I buy the cheap stuff by the bucket at the proletarian supermarket and it’s great. Brand is Daisy. Ingredients: cultured cream (itks just cream that did a semester in Europe).

Yes I need to hear more about this incident.

I’m not a dairy purist per se, but I can’t imagine many people who are purchasing sour cream are concerned with health benefits of something that comes off of a serving spoon in 1/2 cup measures at Chipotle.

Please talk more about the 1972 Mayo Incident. 

Depends on your resolution, I guess

I can eat satsumas by the bagful. And the loose ones with leaves attached are always juicier and more delicious than any net bag of unripened, dyed to shit versions. ALWAYS BUY THE LOOSE ONES and check each and every one for soft spots or incipient mold.

I agree with your grandmother: that is a charming idea. However, I haven’t been able to find any clementines or satsumas with leaves attached. I may be reduced to sticking bits of holly twigs under them instead.

(just noticed that the link didn’t work — try this)

I can vouch for the sauce, and the filling is a pretty generic apple pie filling. The crust is the wildcard though, but with the amount of these popping up in my feeds I’m pretty confident in this being a success. 

Since this is going to be a bit firmer crust, I’m going to do the tart instead.

The plan is to make the crust as detailed above, into a shallow tart pan (a fluted pan may require smaller pretzel bits and a little more effort to push). Blind bake the crust, earning myself some toasted sugar for making this filling—I

It can make me act silly (the MSG, not the booze. Well, not in the same way.), and also gives me and my dad these terrible repeating nightmares. Sometimes sweats and fast heart rate when trying to sleep.

This comment section is going to be completely normal and reserved.

I know, but it’s good. (Also this one lists mustard, horseradish, and wasabi as ingredients.)