
However, this demographic may be interested in the low- and no-sugar offerings soda firms are introducing.”

The shelving thing is actually genius.

Like the new Willow series! Yes, they are using a bit of visual shorthand! This isn’t a plothole, this is people working in a visual medium and assuming people aren’t stupid.

Paint by numbers media. You get it in books too, where people apparently don’t want to spend an ounce of thought about why something may be the case, and how it fits the character or the narration. Like, my dudes.

Some people want every little thing spoonfed to them with a tidy little explanation on why it is that way. It makes me a little bit nuts sometimes.

Long term forecasts are incredibly difficult to do, just in general; the math and modelling required to do forecasts more than 12-24 hours ahead is nuts. Meteorology is hard.

That would explain the Buzz Lightyear branded tempeh the grocery store carried for a while.

Yeah, I mostly stick to The Takeout and Skillet, and occassionally pop over here and Gizmodo. The rest? Nah.

Which is really disapointing—I used to really enjoy Jezebel, but now it’s just...mean. And when they do have an interesting story, its filled with bitchy, pointless asides and bad spelling and editing. It’s like they’re larping Mean Girls.

That’s the flavour! I spent ages trying to figure out what that taste was.

I do believe that, to get out of the greys permanently, a kinja employee has to manually star or reply to your comment, or set some kind of permission.

You might, might be able to get it on Amazon, Ebay, or Etsy, but it was discontinued a few years ago I think.

Can confirm, tiny potatoes in fondue is an S-tier category of food.

I know NYCers get all up in arms about their bagels, but no single bagel is 5$ of good.

It was founded by one of those reality TV stars who made a career out of being messy in public. Started out in wine, which has some intersting implications, and has apparently branched out into stealing the joy out of other food.

In return for your generosity, here is a Canadian Goose, to guard you. (Don’t mind the hissing)

Thank goodness, Tim Hortons is vile. And not even Canadian anymore!

As a Canadian, I am offended that you are offfended. How dare you. I demand a Highland Cow and a bolt of Harris Tweed.

We are team whipping cream in this house (which you might call heavy cream? 35-45%?)