
I’m glad this bothered other people. At least Dog Guy knows his (extremely common!) dog breeds, unlike whoever wrote this.

This sounds like it would be excellent with coffee.

Eric becomes a teacher in Africa, due to Grace leaving the show, yeah.

Yeah, I really don’t think I “need” one of these, unless I suddenly lose a great deal of arm strength due to injury or old age.

I, for one, am delighted at this, and may have it for dinner, with leftover rabbit stew. (I will, however, be sober; so perhaps some of the magic will be lost)

Yes! Will It Waffle returns!

Truth. I wanted a FBAWTFT movie, if one was going to happen; something fun, like a magical pastiche of David Attenborough. What I got was...well, that.

I have never been on tiktok, but I do watch a lot of youtube.

I think, if you watch a lot of Mythical Kitchen, you’d get that it was a joke. Josh is better with flavour pairings than that.

2$ for heavy cream. I envious right now.

I worked in a coffee shop where someone ordered a 6 x6....and then complained their coffee was cold.

With the cost of butter being what it is, and eggs being my primary protein, this “egg in broth” thing is very compelling.

Me, 39 seconds ago: man, what should I make for dinner tonight?

Oh, this is brilliant!

If you think a muffin is just an unfrosted cupcake, you are doing it wrong.

This is the correct take.

If I’m still in Canada I’ll look at the menu on the website; but if I’m in a different country? Nah, I’ll risk it. I’m pretty picky, but there is almost always something I’m willing to eat.

A Cajun place back home makes a jalepeno jelly. I may hassle my sister to mail me some.

I think a lot of etiquette is based around social norms. So the general social opinion in Miss Post’s experience might be that asking for money on a registry is rude, but she can see that changing over time.