Depends on where I am. If it’s fast food on the road, I usually go burger first, then fries; if I am in a sit down place or at home, I eat them alternately.
Depends on where I am. If it’s fast food on the road, I usually go burger first, then fries; if I am in a sit down place or at home, I eat them alternately.
The brainrot on display is truly appalling.
With that appearance, I was expecting something more akin to cream soda.
Hopefully Canada gets it too.
You are killing it today!
Oh, this sounds fantastic.
This is a galaxy brain idea.
Is it literally just stock? yes. But bone broth is very fun to say.
Well, Canada also has girl scouts and we can buy cookies from them, so I don’t think we have WAGGGS listed as a terrorist group up here.
But when will they start delivering to Canada? That’s what I want to know.
Oh yeah, that is a sometimes food, when you have company over.
That sounds rad.
Will not lie, this sounds fantastic and I may do it to thin, airfried potatoes for dinner.
Ah, yes, “outside” treats. Reading comprehension fail on my part.
Budweiser Clydesdale handlers aren’t allowed to give the horses outside treats.
pristine white eggs are vile. Give me a crispy edge.
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hm. fair. I will need to consider carefully, because prosciutto rose crisps sound amazing.
This is delightful, I am going to make one out of prosciutto.
That emergency cookie is a treasure, and I bless you for sharing it with us at least once a week.
I eat way too many eggs and cheese to ever go vegan.