
Yeah, none of this was on the production company.

Whimsy is tacky, clearly.

I try not to tell people to go outside...but this person really needs to go outside.

Atlantic Canada is superior to the rest of Canada, that’s just facts. Also, thank you for the head’s up: clearly I need to go East more often.

Damn. You are correct. I need to grow up.

Frozen Wunderbars are my favourite thing. They don’t come in mini-sizes, and I think that’s a shame.

This is fancy toast. And don’t get me wrong, I love toast! But calling it “bread steak” is just obnoxious.

We use this one. I think there are fancier ones you can get, but this one’s never steered us wrong.

Not food-based, Costco sells giant, 10$ boxes of cat litter. That alone is worth our membership.

I’d drink it. Can loose leaf tea be used?

Oh man, this. Just get to the point and tell me what I’m eating. Tell your marketing department to cross-train.

I guess it depends on your yogurt delivery methods. We usually get the large containers, so a bowl is sometimes preferable, especially if you are adding museli or berries.

My coffee machine mostly just gets rinsed, too. Occasionally I’ll run some hot water and vinegar through, and that’s it.

I used to do that too!

I eat my yogurt out of the container. No one else is eating it, so I fail to see why I should dirty a bowl.

Fenwick is fairly good at not going for people food—unless it’s bacon. Then all bets are off. Even one’s hands are not safe. Saki, however, will go for cheese, even if you are about to bite it. We cannot leave cheese out at all. Also? Onion peels. And we have no idea why.

Unfortunately, my city is still in partial lockdown due to Covid, Ontario being what it is. Someday. Someday.

I’d try it. Unfortunately, it would just be me eating it, and I lack that fortitude.

I admire your friend’s commitment; if I was making pitchers of margaritas, I’d just use bottled lime juice.

In the before times, I would wash my coffee mug when I got home and did dishes. If my spouse got there first, I’d just rinse it.