
Jack: "I don't believe in destiny."
Locke: "Yes you do. You just don't know it yet."

It's a shame you feel that way. I for one am willing to keep an open mind, and even if the show doesn't stick the landing it's a pretty fun ride along the way.

I've got to thank you, Myles (and A.V. Club in general) for covering this show again. Up until now I didn't have the courage to 'go baaack!' and try LOST for a second time. I was highly disappointed by the finale upon first watch and didn't think that I'd appreciate the show if I went back to it. Turns out I was

They were good, but they were no Toad the Wet Sprocket.

You can hear Walt's voice start to deepen ever so slightly in these final Season 1 episodes. I still wish they had handled his storyline much differently, but I guess they were juggling so many balls in the air (especially with all the extra characters coming up in season 2) - that they felt it would be too difficult

Thankfully though, at least LOST didn't end their epic character study by killing a giant fucking spider. No child gangbangs, either.

It's the clear, real exasperation in the way Locke delivers the line that sells it. I'm starting to think this Terry O'Quinn guy might be a good actor.

But it sure fit Hurley's character. He's the lovable goofball. More than anyone else Hurley is there to be the conduit between the viewer and the show, hence his comments to Rousseau about the castaways not following up on obvious mysteries about the island. Although cheesier than previous eps I'd argue that a more

I remember someone saying (maybe from one of the comment threads here) that in hindsight it's clear that *SPOILER*
Hurley would become the new #1 because throughout the entire series he only ever does things for good, and he has a way of causing the people around him to do the right thing without them wanting to or

I really liked the decision to play sound from the 3-way argument backwards in front of Jin, because it set up very nicely how he has experienced life on the island up to that point, in straining to understand a language not his own. It also intensified our connection to him when he learned that Sun speaks

It was ostensibly played for a laugh, but I remember actually crying the first time I saw Hurley's CD player die. Gone was a super important connection to the rest of the world (and what a brilliant way to turn the musical montage segment from so many TV shows on its head).


Polygamy's illegal in my state, I think.

I think by 'DOOFUS,' what Dowd means is that 'once you accept that Cuse and Lindelhof are hack writers, you can come to terms with the stupid things that happened on the show you once loved because you know that the writers were simply not up to the task.' Granted, 'DOOFUS' is an odd way to state that but there it is.

Ana Lucia as ghost cop was fine. But Jack's nonexistent ghost-son is where I draw the damn line.

Yeah. At first I thought, hey cool, something extra for the fans! But now I know it's because Cuselhof (Lindlehof, especially) are pretty lousy storytellers who care more about spectacle than logic (Prometheus, anyone?)

It's because hindsight has really, really damaged this show.

But if Dharma really wasn't sure of what would happen if another incident were to take place, I could see why they made such precautions.
Good god, I'm falling down the Lost rabbit hole again…

Spoilers Cont: I'm at least a little satisfied that they gave Walt a shout-out in the final season's DVD set with "The New Man in Charge." Granted it was totally forced and wasn't at all earned, it was nice to see the show include him again.

I'm surprised that they didn't write his 'sudden growth spurt' into the show, given all the other medical hoo-haa bullshit they pulled (inability to conceive, curing cancer, rapid healing). Wouldn't it make sense for the Island to give the kid with special powers (who SPOILER ends up becoming the new #1) an