
You could argue that the 'incident' at the end of season five loops us back around to the Swan, though (thanks mratfink by beating me by one minute)

Agreed. And like Myles alluded to, if the episode had spent more time exploring Shannon's life and point of view and not constantly filtered it through Boone, maybe we would have grown to like her more and understand/accept her romance with Sayid. But as it is: nope.

Yep. When Michael's first couple of lines in the ep were "WALT! WAAAALT!" I just lost it.

Listening to that MKTO song, I'm having a hard time with hearing Walt sing the line, "I wanna do you like Michael."

It seems to me that after a full week of work, sun-up to sundown, that Locke and Boone should have managed a little further with their Hatch excavation than a couple of arm-sweeps of mud. "Well, I'll just push this pebble away with my thumb…man I'm tired"

Yeah, and what really bugs me is that he [SPOILER] died in a way not dissimilar to a suicide bomber.

If memory serves, the Others were mostly interested in Aaron simply because of the fact that the island's electromagnetic properties were causing all other pregnancies to be miscarried (or not conceived at all, can't remember). So the fact that the baby never meant much to the series mythology doesn't bother me. We