
Well, I’m sure a lot of non-Caps fans are “Well, of COURSE, it’s Wilson.” My counter would be “Go fuck yourself.”

So, let’s see. If air-chilled costs $8 a pound, and water-chilled costs $2 a pound (or significantly less, in my experience, but we’re using the column’s numbers here), then air-chilled is 300% more expensive. The main selling points are flavor and not wasting money on water. You can’t quantify flavor, so we’ll set

This sounds terrible for the environment. More electric being used. Probably an ammonia-based cooling system to keep the air cool, as air doesn’t hold temp like water does. And then they will need additional cleaning chemicals to properly sanitize said conveyors and the rooms they pass through. Granted, two miles of

I’ve been boycotting the Cheesecake Factory for years because their food is garbage. My cause is far better than theirs.

I have to ask - Why do you assume that you have to be religious or anti-LBGTQ to be conservative? Some of us just want smaller government, that’s all.

North Carolina’s rural teachers are ready to be heard, but they are going to eat shit instead because it’s a midterm election year, the GOP are in power across the country, and the Democrats are the worst opposition party since the Communist Party of Germany circa 1932.

What have you done? I’ll tell you. You’ve made a sandwich that is arguably the best and worst sandwich at the same time. Health-wise the worst and taste-wise the best. You’ve made a sandwich that drives one person to ecstasy and several others to agony when they’re left with a bucket of skinless chicken to enjoy.

Honestly there’s no real reason to buy anything other than thighs. They are the best part of the chicken hands down.

Mitchell: Mark. Can you wear a lab-coat on Monday? We have that huge press conference.

Yeah, next season they may have to be the Silver Knights.

This is a sad indictment of our society, but I agree with you that we do enjoy watching people get knocked down, deserved or not.

If...focus on the IF is not true-then it absolutely is about hurting him. If it IS true-then it’s a different story.

The game of mental torture was lost in the late 90s. This version of mental torture isn’t really mental torture, but basic entertainment for the dude on the street that has no idea what to do with his life. He watches mental torture for a few years, drinks craft beer, and eventually dies.

Crazy question. What if he’s the one telling the truth and her, “I dont want to deal with the stress’s of the trial” was just an excuse because she knew she was in the wrong?

As much as I’d like to call Crosby a spitting asshole, I don’t see any spit or attempt to spit there. I guess he’s just an asshole.

Now playing

While that hit was definitely worthy of a suspension, I find Letang’s newfound righteousness amusing considering he recently tried to end Sean Couturier’s life:

Any Penguins who shared a locker room with Matt Cooke can pretty much shut the fuck up about Wilson.

I don’t even have a horse in the race, but shit. Wilson isn’t half as dirty as Cooke was and the Pens won a Cup with him.

freaking out a large portion of your customer base out of the blue and warding off potential newcomers in the midst of other recent concerns certainly doesn’t sound like “marketing 101" to me

Millennials are killing the frozen food industry, probably because they like fresh, tasty food. Or they can’t afford microwaves.

Mmmmmmmm. Burnt scraps!