
Local smaller breweries are still popping up and thriving. The next battle is already happening. Big craft beer (Stone, Dog Fish, etc) versus local breweries. As the Author said, I like to drink beer right next to where it was made.

Very good breakdown of what puts the haze in those IPAs, Kate.

You pull off a jersey, you get got. End of discussion.

Unreal that people think like you. You do realize this mentality is the same as the racists, right? You are right there in the mud with them. Congratz.

There are no winners here. Dude comes off like an asshole at the minimum.

Yea, when I saw how much they cost I was like, pass.

Could you find a more stereotypical Russian looking dude if you tried?

I’m not from the right, far from it but I don’t want people getting harassed at restaurants for a political hat.

They investigated and other employees corroborated the account.

Yep. The irony is all these “rural” school districts are voting republican by a landslide. All the dems are in the urban districts. So these teachers need to start by getting their local house in order first. You voted these conservatives dudes in office, get them out.

That is all I eat if I can help it.

For hiking or whatever. You keep focused on researching all that other stuff. I’ve got this covered. Thanks

I just want cool beer in my belly. I’ll test that part while you get on the rest of this stuff.

Right, the sole reason to report on this was because of who he was and what he did or didn’t do. So yea, it was all about him.

A kid that doesn’t know any better than to ask if you are married doesn’t sound like some horrible situation. No, I’m not. Done

I mean, right? Their whole job is to be gawked at. This isn’t terribly different.

This is the tale of two styles of play. Crosby and the Pens, fast and finesse. Ovi and the Caps, powerful and fierce. This is what happens when the two meet.

You just compared Hitler to GW? You truly are a product of the times. No nuance, just loud, dumb opinions.

Jesus wept. First, you’re way late with this outrage. Second, I guess every author who writes anything ever about GW should have the disclaimer of “yes, he was a slave owner”

Yea, this is some dumb shit. How can you complain about not getting a record when you didn’t ride the appropriate distance.