
Does Twitter really have the responsibility to monitor and track these things? Seems like a slippery slope when you become the social media police.

I still argue none of the characters were supposed to be really likeable. Or more to the point, they had big flaws that made them hard to like.

Yep, I think the relationship took on zombie status after that. She wanted out but still had feelings for him and he couldn’t get past it so he kind of always had this underlying resentment.

Have you finished it yet? Don’t want to spoil it by answering your question.

You can’t really review each episode when it is a Netflix show so all the episodes are dropped at the same time. I mean the only way this truly works is if I watch them at the same time you do.

I astounds me that these tweets generated a fucking article. This is news?

This is like the third anti-barstool article in a week. That doesn’t seem like a coincidence. You guys threatened by these guys?

While also drawing attention to it. I mean that is some pretty benign shit right there.

If that is the case, I retract my statement.

It also feels a tad racist to ask just him. Did anyone else get asked about it? Nope, just the black guy because he HAS to have an opinion.

Eh, if this was her first offense at coming off holier than tho, it would be one thing. This is something she does a lot.

Thank you for not taking the very easy path on this which is to totally hammer him about EVERYTHING. It was ten years ago and he doesn’t remember. It isn’t an excuse, it’s a fact.

Soooooooooo, with you

I’m kind of politically agnostic. I do believe in healthcare for all, the police are off the chain etc so it generally pushes me towards the dems. Having said that, I’m pretty burnt with them too. Hilary was such an uninspired choice and the Clintons still hold too big a sway.

It was visually appealing for sure. I think if I would have went into the movie without the buzz I probably would have thought higher of the movie. I went in behind some really good reviews so my expectations were probably too high. I’m gong to watch Bladerunner tonight, going in with mixed reviews so probably in a

It was pretty entertaining and refreshingly brief. That’s my well thought out review.

Watch the movie Get Out. Racism comes in all sorts of flavors.

You extreme left guys sound as dumb as the Trump supporters.

I actually thought the soundtrack was as overrated as the movie. Don’t get me wrong, it was decent but not up to the reviews.

Sure, all Packer fans are Trump supporters AND all Trump supporters are racists. You do realize this logic makes you not one bit better than them, right?