Lt Hurwitz

A Batman movie in the visual style of The Town, yeah that would have sucked. Now we get Josh Gad as The Penguin, much better.

Sam Smith's India Ale is a legitimately great beer, and I generally consider IPA's to taste like Coors Light run through a gym sock.

It's a word and we must all be offended by it.

Blackhat above Last of the Mohicans? What?

He just wants to be loved is that so wrong?

Not losing hundreds of millions of dollars is in Netflix's interest. Also not having to jack up their price to pay for shows no one watches. Thank Fuller House and 13 Reasons Why for being cost effective and making this ending possible.

No Lil Rowboat? The king of the humblerap genre, is bullshit this list.

So men can't have feelings for each other that aren't explicitly about wanting to bang each other?

You know who else was gay? Everyone.

Get Out is not going to be considered a classic horror movie by any stretch. It's not interesting looking, the performances are flat, the locations are flat, the twist is pure Twilight Zone except an hour and a half longer. It's okay, it's an okay movie. But you're probably racist if you say that.

Because the criminal was black? Jesus fucking Christ.

A lot of movie reviewers are sexless freaks who don't grasp the concept of man + woman feelings, therefore can't understand you love your aunt and your boyfriend/girlfriend differently.

A not particularly charismatic republican pretty comfortably closing the night out around 9pm against the full court media press, and a 2-1 spending deficit in a district that hates Trump? Yeah, no biggie.

Wow, shocking you guys lost again.

As opposed to NYC, where everyone is a meritorious professor of history.

Yeah it was probably Vanilla Ice that did what he's giving Tupac credit for.

The Beatles? 2/10 wud not bang.

Never happened. It was targets on Congressional districts on a map. Hardly the same as stabbing anyone, of carrying a severed head.

You're all hiding behind the intent of the play like cowards. What's the intent of that scene? It's to make liberals feel good seeing Trump killed.

No, but you're just as bad.