Lt Hurwitz

This iteration of the play exists to give liberals a catharsis in seeing him killed. The same way Kathy Griffin wanted to have cathartic imagery of his severed head. And now we have Republican senators neatly mowed down because liberals and the media are signing of on it as morally righteous.

Look at the shooting today. Liberal media normalizing murdering politicians you disagree with is going to have consequences. Same as when advocating shooting of police had consequences last year.

It's normalizing political murder of people you don't agree with, and the result is predictable, such as the shooting of Republicans that happened this morning.

Watching him be murdered is liberal wish fulfillment, that's why it's wrong. It's that so many of you want to see him murdered.

Advocating the killing of the president is not rational.

They must have to put tarps down to contain the ejaculate. Their excuses are pathetic just admit what this is; pure liberal masturbatory fantasy.

They're rappers, so they're allowed to be homophobic.

It's obviously meant to be Trump, and the director obviously believes his murder would be a good thing/should be done. More sponsors will bolt as the play becomes more and more radioactive.

Advocating the murder of a U.S President isn't political commentary.

Star Wars: a hack sci-fi flop that was saved in editing.

Nowhere do C.O's carry in the cellblock.

Directed by Alex Kurtzman. To whom did that sound like a good idea?

Umm June totes needed to check her handmaid's privilege.

There's the mythology of vampires, pre-Twilight vampires, it's that they can't enter your home unless you invite them in. That's what his letter was looking for, a response back from you would just invite him back in.

"hit the gym and dump that rump!"

"I have a boyfriend who…"

Where does the CGI blue laser shooting into the sky come into play?

What would Akroyd's reaction have been to Feig's ghost aliens idea? Run to his bug out vehicle and head to the fallout shelter?

Sounds like a hit

Uh, I think he meant the fake feminist angle.