Lt Hurwitz

Men as the leads and it got bad reviews, improbable female lead and it gets great reviews, funny that.

A leftist attempts to assassinate dozens of Republican congressmen and it's no big deal?

I'm glad everyone was just as upset by the Steve Scalise shooting as they are about this.

Why do you liberals excuse the actions of conquers like the Persians, Arabs, etc., when they're slightly less Caucasian, yet still Caucasian? Because they're non-western, so therefore better?

No men have died fighting ISIS, it's true.

Sandra Bland hung herself.

So it's STILL white people's fault.

Same way you memory hole the attempted massacre of Republican congressmen by a Bernie supporter.

So you think burkas are a good thing?

Qyburn should have built a prototype cannon to combat the dragons, using wildfire in place of gun powder. Now that would have been a reveal.

What's Pelosi's quote about Obamacare again?

It's terrible but there's a revisionist history of it being a lost cult classic.

They were actually one of the best live bands I've ever seen, incredibly tight and professional.

"…send more paramedics…"

So corporations can be people after all.

Worked in Kansas, Montana, and Georgia.

So you're not allowed to tell women they're beautiful anymore?

They used him pretty well, they needed another baby faced Lannister conscript who could also sing for the scene, so it worked.

How does the trailer not open with Elba chasing McConnaughy through the desert.

Taken was xenophobic because Saudis never engage in sex trafficking, never ever.