Lt Hurwitz

I'm sure that's comforting to the dead.

Well I guess they deserved it then yesterday. ISIS fan?

The bombs were nowhere near her, c'mon. You all despise the police and criticize them at every turn, how do they get back up and perform after seeing a heap of 12 years olds blown to pieces? Just to get screamed at by ingrates while she gets praised.

I'm sure all the Salafists out there are quaking in their sandals.

Go to Pakistan and make Piss Muhammad.

That's pretty pathetic, if you're that invested in this guy get a life.

Ted Nugent hasn't been a mainstream celebrity since 1973

Lol because liberals have a stranglehold on rational behavior, for example Evergreen University, or Kathy Griffin herself advocating murder.

Ironically, as much as you despise the police, female officers and males make the same money.

When I saw the albino mutant playing a flaming guitar on top of a stack of amps built into a classic muscle car I thought to myself "this again?"

A rag-tag, scrappy, little show with the budget of Game of Thrones and no appeal to 18-35 year old males? C'mon, this is a surprise?

If only every body did exactly what you think they should.

All zero times that happened.

Now that is a platform for winning national elections!

This episode satirizes things I like, F-. Check your facts.

Not even close. When the cause celebre was letting a woman into wherever they play that Masters golf tournament did people say "it's almost as if women feel they are entitled to…"? No, and the position that it's some travesty that club being male only is just as frivolous as him protesting a female only movie showing.

You guys really thought Hildog was going to win and it absolutely broke you mentally when she didn't. Get over it already.

Mmm, Gummy Venus (drools)

Isn't "Everyone Has AIDS" a shoo-in to win?

You live in Raqqa?