Lt Hurwitz

Allah 2020? Is that how he voted?

Are you the mayor from Jaws?

But why conning anyone, there is a touch of "she really doesn't belong there" in the line of thinking that created this.

It's a bit racist for internet db's to think a rich black woman is at an exclusive event because she is really just conning rich white men. And why only rich white men?

Are they presenting the racist things the characters say as something to be applauded? Or to make the characters look awful?

I hope we get a lot more click bait crap Twin Peaks articles over the next two to six months, in these times that's what America needs right now.

He thought differently from me, therefore his death is a good thing.

Their boyfriend didn't want to have a visit so they acted like a child and dumped state secrets online. This person is certifiable.

If they weren't Trans no one would care and they'd be considered a traitor like Bowe Bergdhal.

It's the reason they got so much over blown positive coverage as the next big band, and it's also the thing that will destroy them. And these are all just baseless allegations at this point.

Just say it like this; "as a lesbian…I want to *$@# her @#&" and no one will criticize you.

The world exists to offend you.

You're currently dying because of bill that hasn't been passed yet?

None of you even know what's in the bill, neither do these halfwits. They're just shouting for their YouTube moment.

Oh those Reagan Christians and their dastardly overthrow of American life. Atwood is more prophet than person.

But this sort of thing happens on a mass scale in Islamic culture I'm just always curious as to why that gets a pass.

"There are two kinds of people: those who can’t perform the act when they’re sad and those who perform it only to escape sadness. I have a theory that the second kind of person lives longer.”

How do you guys rationalize extrapolating out America becoming like this show in the next 8 years and not understanding or ignoring that in various parts of the world life already is like this show?

It's not like big Hollywood movies ever had strong female protagonists before.

Second look at National Socialism?