Lt Hurwitz

So it's okay to body shame now?

You are not allowed to deviate from the narrative that this can only be positive.

You crybabies crying and throwing hissy fits instead of acting like grown ups is what's going to ensure he gets reelected, just so you know and accept it.

It sounds like rap music in Idiocracy would.

They are terrible.

White people are evil = woke. This movie is clearly the wokest thing that ever woked.

As a white person with a massive country estate, like we all have, I personally wouldn't care if my daughter brought home an ethnic.

The one in NYC was enormous, in fact if only 800,000 more people showed up it would have matched the 2012 Giants Super Bowl parade.

Everyone should must share the political and social views of recent American college grads.

From poop to crap?

"Maybe if liberals looked down on everyone who is different from them a lot more they'd really start to accomplish something." Is definitely the best take away from the election, bravo.

I think what everyone really wants in a Star Wars film is the death and slaughter of dull, lifeless characters by Vader Space Jesus. Not all that "luminous beings are we…" crapola from the first movies.

Im glad there is finally a piece of entertainment that can beat me over the head with liberal political messages. RIP Sunny.

Because he's a funnier character than we've had before.

Nothing bad ever happened before 2016. Damn you Truuuuuuummmmp!

Not many Trump voters in Chicago, so you're right.

OMG Trumpocalypse 2016! The Mayans were right!

49) Game of Thrones.

C'mon man, bump it.

For example, Anne Hathaway in Dark Knight Rises.