Lt Hurwitz

Take all the wrong lessons from Nolan's trilogy, all the wrong lessons from Deadpool, all the wrong lessons from "Sucker Punch" and you get "Suicide Squad."

The conversation you two are having is definitely why the Democrats lost.

This joke should have been proceeded by a trigger warning, and then followed by an explanation as to why and how it wasn't meant to be taken literally. This way SNL would only feature 1 joke a week.

"We did everything perfect and it's not FAIR FAIR FAIR!"

The reaction to this joke is why Democrats lost the election.

When they hired him they had to be expecting The Comedian level Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I guess he doesn't want to be bothered with that much gym time anymore.

She gets overpraised because it's avclub and she's a woman so must be equal to Bruce Campbell, which is of course, madness, but she does throw herself into the physical stuff really well. She isn't a great actress but she is likable, in my opinion.

They're learning all the right lessons, they are.

A 50 year old union worker in Ohio has no fucking clue what the "alt right" is. But he's racist so…

I feel the same way about Robinson Crusoe, just couldn't get into it because of the lack of compelling female characters, which every work of fiction should be mandated to have.

They can't make movies like that anymore. Everything has to cost two hundred million to make, and therefore has to be bland enough to appeal to everyone.

All those people you look down on and despise exist. And they all just told you where you can stick it.

I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow either.

Oh Glory at having elected a caricature of political corruption deserving of a place as a Frank Capra villain.

Women will be moving to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in droves!

She'll have it wrapped up by 930 tomorrow, thank God it'll be over.

In the hood they call that the dragon.

It's just funny to me how no one gave a shit five minutes ago, it's the most important thing on Earth right now, and five minutes from now no one will give a shit again. It's pathetic.

They wouldn't have leaked radioactivity.

You think some "Anarchist" protester lighting barricades on fire in ND really cares about these people? This is the same anti-globalist nonsense that happens at every WTO meeting. They're using them, same way internet people are using this to seem enlightened on their FB feed. Shut up and take your oil, why pretend