Lt Hurwitz

It's just a way to avoid being called out by internet SJWs, so people can't be villains anymore.

I prefer "Movie's Bloody Stool Gave Me AIDS" and their long form Episode VII review.

Fetishsizing black bodies is promoting racist stereotypes about Black men, these are your rules SJW.

Grossly fetishistic.

A few years ago "the black body" became a thing in think pieces, college term papers, and most importantly Wikipedia entries used by the authors of think pieces and college term papers. Since then usage of the term denotes "wokeness" in white people who don't have any black friends.

I knew the reviews for this show would be a trainwreck, and so far they haven't disappointed.

It's true, the ACLU improved police accountability in Chicago last year and boy it worked out great! Haha.

George + Frank + Estelle = Serenity Now!

Dana Delorenzo really gives it 110%

A mind boggling George Lucas made decision.

The first thought when it came to making a new Indiana Jones movie the producers should have is "we better not."

"Hillary rules, why won't Matt and Trey just admit that?" - the author

The first one had better than pretty good jokes. Maybe they shouldn't have completely sidelined Ivan Reitman.

Batman should be dark, Superman should not be a Space Death God.

No please, let them stay inside.

El Duque threw that against the Rangers one night, the first batter who saw it was like "totes WTF?" Then A-Rod came to bat and hit one 1,547 feet.

The knuckleball makes a lot more sense.

She's the kind of hot that makes you sad.

It's discrimination against women because they're largely physically incapable of doing certain high paying jobs? If you need to lift 150lbs all day there is no way to make 150lbs not weigh 150lbs so women can do it.

"Like, how could anyone think Colin Kapernick is an asshole when he's Ghandi, Ali, and Trader Joe's combined?" sips fair trade coffee.