Lt Hurwitz

Hildog is just as bad or worse than Trump, she's an emotionless corrupt aristocrat, fuck her.

South Park has always leaned libertarian, and if anyone, anyone who is a SP fan should know that Matt and Trey are diehard Denver Broncos fans, and that if anything would flavor their dislike of Kaepernick it's that he's a 49er.

Go ahead throw your vote away!

Men are more likely to do high paying dangerous jobs that require high endurance and strength like: firefighter, Alaskan crab fisherman/deep sea fisherman, heavy machinery operator, coal miner, sanitation worker, oil rig worker etc., so wage disparity needs to be taken on a case by case, apples to apples, basis.

She held one political office in a State where she was guaranteed to win, even though it was at least three states removed from her home, she did nothing in that office, left to become SOS where her disastrous polices led directly to an ISIS takeover of Lybia, and funneling of arms from Lybia to Syria which eventually

Politics I agree with on South Park: B+
Politics I disagree with on South Park: C-

You didn't sing TaySway to her in this video did you? Lord, lord.

You acted like a hurt teenager, we've all been there. Blocking her from everything? Wrong move, ignore her and plaster all the fun things you've been doing all over Facebook. Breakup video? Dude, no one wants to see that.

I hope you're young. Next time just ignore her for two weeks without saying anything, then act blase about it when she contacts you, then you'll have the upper hand.

The correct answer is "sure no problem, $500."

Black women are 6% of the population, of course it's going to be harder for them to breakthrough.

Carnegie Hall 2007

He doesn't agree with everything you think so that makes his politics "complicated"?

Are you kidding? Oh no! One person in Hollywood has conservative views, how do you handle it?

Nobody wants to hear someone who earns $19,000,000 a year complain about how unfair life is in the USA.

You fucktards know nothing, you blindly jump behind every pos that's gets shot by police whether they earned the bullet or not, you are most likely a coward who has never been in a fight or flight situation where flight is not an option, yet you're quick to criticize people who have to step up. You also don't realize

The police were told to back down. This is what was asked. Buyers remorse?

4. Return from fantasy land where they aren't backed up 15 jobs already and have a chance to chase non-crimes.

Sorry little fella but 0 people shot by police is just not possible, one day when you grow up and become a man you might understand that.

"I hate the police! Fuck the national anthem! Fuck the police too!" Gun to head, goes and cries to police. You're a rapper bus' shots till the clip is empty!