Lt Hurwitz

Total shot in Chicago year to date as of last week: 2858. Total shot by police in Chicago year to date as of last week: 11. When will the epidemic of police violence end!?

Shouldn't you be rioting because some cop shot a career criminal who was pointing a gun at him? That's the liberal mind at work.

As demanded by all of you howling internet fools, and BLM.

A key tenet of their platform is the abolition of police forces nationwide, this would only work on the internet even you must understand this.

Plot Device was my favorite character in "X", I was destroyed when Plottie died. Time for a think piece.

She was a lame non-entity, of course internet weirdos love her.

Gang bangers and Comedy Central, it was like the white guilt Super Bowl.

Yeah remember when he sat down with the Baltimore bloods, crips, and BGF and they said they were going to police the neighborhoods and that Baltimore didn't need police anymore? That was a special kind of stupid you just don't get anywhere. We'll miss you Larry, too bad no one watched your show.

BLM is having huge success in this country, just look at all they've done or communities such as Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis.

Nah, not so much. More often write think pieces about why Fundamentalist Islam shouldn't be criticized because it plays into the patriarchy's hands.

Clearly, this is how Lucy made 400mil worldwide out of nowhere, because people especially men will never ever pay to see women in movies.

If only feminists so clearly codemned Isis and Islamic treatment of women.

Thing for redheads or what?

You make those band names up?

She has released an album in 4 years and looks like a meth addict.

Just re-releasse Superman 2 instead.

Fiona Apple is the definition of wasted talent. Shame what she's done to herself.

Joey was alive, ODB was dead or just near dead

Lollapalooza '96 Metallica, Soundgarden, Wu Tang Clan, and the Ramones. No regrets.