Lt Hurwitz

Sony knew the movie sucked so they encouraged a fake controversy to sell tickets.

I agree, I hope men stop finding women attractive. That way the human race ceases to exist and think pieces like this are never written again.

No logic allowed.

Let it be known that in the year 2016 women achieved equality thanks to millionaires starring in reboots of intellectual property some corporation just remembered it owned.

No one knows who that is.

Matt Damon is way more famous.

They wanted this thing to springboard a cinematic universe, instead it will make half the lowest grossing MCU, and not even top the gross of the 1984 original. It is a total disaster for Sony's ambition.

It made its production budget back that's great. Now it just needs 100,000,000 more for advertising , and another 100,000,000 to cover distribution costs and they're golden. What a hit!

Stupid businessman concerned with keeping his business going rather than keeping a low rated property going.

Rikers is for misd convictions and those awaiting trial. Once you're a felon you go upstate. Naz would be in protective custody, but do gooders want protective custody abolished.

Nations can't afford to send women into combat to be slaughtered by the tens of thousands, so never in history has that happened.

Nothing says social justice like stealing Oxycodone from a CVS.

Asian countries aren't racist only white people are, Asians are also not incredibly successful in this racist white culture who holds them down to the point that they have per capita higher income than whites…damn white people!

They just need to realize there's no pleasing you fucking people.

Police average contact with 15-20% of the population each year, which is 40-50,000,000 contacts. Of those 50,000,000, 1,000 result in use of deadly force.

Nothing men like less than hot lesbian action, just ask porn producers they'll tell ya!

Is Thomas Dolby getting royalties from this movie?

White girl is hood speak for cocaine.

Obama, nearly every media entity including the fucking avclub, and internet idiots spent two years encouraging this and providing moral cover for this guy to kill. There are no answers when loudmouths decide that murder of police is in anyway okay. Not even the most powerful criminal enterprises would openly murder

Feels good to justify murder you stupid asshole? You're saying this guys reaction was "rational" you stupid asshole? You think the open murder of police is somehow going to be good for black americans you stupid asshole? This is why the shooter was empowered to do what he did, stupid assholes like you excusing his